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i guess i'm going in the morning....has anyone been?

probably fish the first corner on the spring...

if you've been or got any tips let me know...i'll have two little boys along.



went last week and water was very dirty, yesterday the water looked a lot better, I wish the fishing would have been better. I saw a few boats catch some small whites in deeper water. Use small jigs on bottom, If you can find some brush mark it and fish slow. They have been catching some crappie too. Counted a least 20 boats, so it will be busy on a Sat. I threw a jerkbait for awhile and caught a couple black bass up river. Good luck

Jeremy Dodson


sorry, but i never went...i hurt my elbow earlier that day. i thought it was ok, but i woke up about two in the morning and it was glued to my body. so, i stayed home and nursed it. feels better now though, so we might try it this weekend.

you might check out what Ivan is saying on his website...his info is usually pretty good -- ah heck -- you got me curious.

weird...nothing about white bass

Ivan Martin -

Ivan's Info Page - emailbug-green.gif - Report as/of: 03/08/10 ivan-redvest-bass-60tall.jpg

Hello Grand Lakers!

It is time again for the Grand Lake Boat Show. The show is this weekend at the Civic Center in Grove. I will have a booth there, so come by and we'll talk some fishing.

The best report I can give right now is the spoonbill snaggers are doing great. Personally, this isn't my thing, but a lot of you like this type of fishing.

The crappie fishing is still good for some, but not all. You have to be on the right brush pile and most of the good spots are around boat docks.

The black bass fishing is tough right now. We had a big tournament last weekend where almost half the field blanked. However, the fishing is going to explode in the next few days as the water warms.

The catfishing is good using shad as bait.

Sometimes as a guide it is good to be seen, while other times I just want to hide on the water. I can't hide anymore. I hope I didn't make a mistake in that I had my new Ranger wrapped and it looks pretty wild. This is not only a good way to advertise, but also to protect the finish on your boat. The down side is that you can't just blend in with the other boats any more.

See you on the lake!


Ivan Martin, Martin Guide Service

Call 918-260-7743 if you want to book a Grand Lake guide trip.


We did fair last Saturday. We caught some nice fish and saw a lot of other boats catching nice fish. I went back on Wednesday and it was tough. Completely different. We did end up with a few but they were a lot smaller and there weren't as many of them. A friend called and he has been catching them around Moccassin Bend, but I know there are still a lot of fish that haven't come up from the lake yet. It will get better. Only one way to find out. You just have to go.



Is that the same Spring River that is just east of Miami Oklahoma? If so I have some very fond memories back when I was going to school down at NEO. In fact the white bass run in the spring almost caused me to flunk out.

I remember fishing just up from the hiway 10 bridge on some gravel bars. Used a yellow head, green body with white marabou jig topped with either a white or yellow mister twister tail. One day I was catching them every cast and decided to go tandem. Then I started doubling up.

That was 35 years ago. Awesome memories B)

blue line.png



I remember fishing just up from the hiway 10 bridge on some gravel bars. Used a yellow head, green body with white marabou jig topped with either a white or yellow mister twister tail. One day I was catching them every cast and decided to go tandem. Then I started doubling up.

That was 35 years ago. Awesome memories B)

That's moccassin bend. They are in there right now calling your name!

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