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For those of you that were there, I'm sure you will back me up in saying that Brian gave an excellent presentation last night. Very informative and entertaining!

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us on this fantastic fishery!



I agree, it was worth the trip up from Taney County. Thanks to Brian and Phil for putting it together!




Appreciate that and thanks for coming guys had a blast! Going back and listening to it....I am completely weirded out I have to admit. That could not have been easy to do Phil, again, great job!



:blink: "MR." Brian Wise? Who is this "MR." of which you speak? :rolleyes:

Sorry I missed it, but good to have it on video. Of course, it would have been simpler to put the whole presentation into three words.... "Rubber Legged Stoneflies..." Thank you and good night...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I have a rubber legged story of my own. I didn't share it at the Seminar so as not to disturb Brian's train of thought. I was fishing Powerton Lake in Illinois and met up with a group from the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance who were all friends of mine. Powerton is a small cooling water lake and has some good Smallmouths. I had taken a Mr. Twister 3" twister tail and pulled three rubber bands through it to give it legs so to speak. They all laughed at me except that I was the only one that caught any Smallmouths that day so was it the rubberband legs or question. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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