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reading lately in some of John's articles about some golden trout being stocked, figured I'd send this picture in for those who has never seen one. This was a pretty good specimen, actually pretty cool fish


mark cure b.f.p. guide service and custom jigs

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that's pretty crazy almost looks fake. did you catch him on the white. very nice fish though.

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NO, I was the net man on this one. A friend of mine that buys jigs from me caught this fish,and it was caught on a 1/32 .OZ light olive candy green head.

mark cure b.f.p. guide service and custom jigs

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where did he catch it, or is it a secret spot? the only place I know of around here with golden trout is the white.


We caught one about a month or so near the mouth of Crooked Creek. Very few people have heard of them and none had seen one.


everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.

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I've these trout in in Mo.,Ks., and Ok.This fish was caught in Ks.In Oklahoma on the lower Illinoi river below Tenkiller dam I've caught them also, these states have very aggresive stocking programs.

mark cure b.f.p. guide service and custom jigs


That is a Golden Rainbow Trout, not a Golden Trout. Golden Trout are native to the Kern River drainage in California, along with other streams in that region. Golden Rainbows are not a separate species, they are a color variation which causes the fish to stick out like a skinny kid at Western Sizzler.

Here is what the Pennsylvania Wildlife Commission says about them: Golden rainbow trout and palomino rainbow trout are not sterile hybrids, they are simply color variations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and should not be confused with the golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) native to a few drainages in California. It took selective breeding for several generations to result in the development of true breeding golden rainbow trout. Typically, these fish are more of a brilliant golden color than the palomino rainbow trout, which has a color phase intermediate between the golden and normally pigmented rainbow trout.



That is a Golden Rainbow Trout, not a Golden Trout. Golden Trout are native to the Kern River drainage in California, along with other streams in that region. Golden Rainbows are not a separate species, they are a color variation which causes the fish to stick out like a skinny kid at Western Sizzler.

Here is what the Pennsylvania Wildlife Commission says about them: Golden rainbow trout and palomino rainbow trout are not sterile hybrids, they are simply color variations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and should not be confused with the golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) native to a few drainages in California. It took selective breeding for several generations to result in the development of true breeding golden rainbow trout. Typically, these fish are more of a brilliant golden color than the palomino rainbow trout, which has a color phase intermediate between the golden and normally pigmented rainbow trout.

That's right, the ones in the White are only Golden Phase Rainbow trout. True Goldens are a natural species, and they're actually very pretty. I don't think I can describe them in a way that does them justice, so here's a link to a picture. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pikepoke.com/golden_trout.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pikepoke.com/&h=245&w=640&sz=195&tbnid=AhDg6K5ldOY5eM:&tbnh=52&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgolden%2Btrout&usg=__msQMUf54JyJeNrDCO8aaM0DN5w8=&ei=qiycS-DaKZGQNf3tkOYN&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&ved=0CAgQ9QEwAQ

I have caught a few true Goldens in high mountain lakes of Wyoming. They're not technically native out there, but they sure seem to belong. Goldens are about my favorite species of trout, and it's a shame they're so rare.

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