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Weather and river levels were perfect. Fishing was really tough. Picked up a few dinks and this one on a Pointer, and a few more on a fluke. Threw everything I had at 'em, but it was really slow. Maybe the bluebird skies, who knows. Great weekend though.




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Eric, you're just TORTURING that lil sunfish, ya know.. Holding him out of the water, fumbling with your camera.. Gettin' all your hand slime all over him.. Lord only knows where your hands have been...

And how long did you hold that poor smallie outta the water before passing your camera along to the next drunk passerby for a photo? (and don't you try and tell me otherwise, I know better..). Thinking of the horrors those fish must have put through, I'd be suprised if they ever eat again! I shudder at the very thought.. I thought you loved smallmouth, Eric? :(

You're a baaaaaaaaaaad boy, OCDEric... Baaaa-aaa-aaad I say!

(nice report, loverly pictures)



Glad you had good conditions down there Eric. Wish the fishing would have been better for you. I did an overnighter years back from Buck to Alley in april. River was cookin' at the time but we caught a few decent fish. Did you fish the area around Chalk Bluff? I'll be doing Buck to Bay in early June with Chief Greybear, his son, and hopefully Buzz. Hope the precipitation makes it right for that time of year... it usually does. Nice pics of the bluffs!



Thanks fellas.

Yeah KC, we fished the whole thing. The Prongs section down to Buck Hollow was pretty but a little underwhelming compared to the following 15 miles or so, and then it starts getting a little wide and shallow a couple miles up from Bay. I'd say Buck to Bay would be the best possible choice, though the whole river is really fishy looking, and you just want to stop and cast everywhere. The last time we floated it in June it was at normal levels and we did a little dragging, mostly at the end (we went to Alley Spring that time...probably won't ever again).

Forgot to mention earlier that we saw two ospreys and a BOBCAT!!! He was crossing Hwy 106 on our way to the put-in. We thought he was a dog at first, then we thought holy crap what a giant cat! and then we realized what it was. First time I'd ever seen one in the wild. Really awesome.


Eric, one time the wife and I were at Pomme fishing over Easter weekend for crappie. We were in a little cut in a bluff and there was a tree that crossed the shallow end in the back. Mama bobcat and her two kittens decided to cross that tree and put on a great show for us. I was snagged and just opened my bail so I could watch'em. It was pretty cool...



Just kinda wondering if anyone has any fishing experiences above the prongs? If you don't wanna post just send me a message. I may never get above the prongs but just kinda curious.


I personally don't, but it might be interesting to explore sometime. Maybe wade up there in summer when it's low. You may run into access problems though, because ONSR doesn't own that part of the river. I'm sure there are plenty of fish up there.

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