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Hello All

Fished last night till around 2:30, with the 3/4 moon up and bright it was a little slow. I was supposed to fish with Lennoard but we did not find each other untill right at the end sorry about that. I had several new flies that I was trying out and most of them worked, several new colors ranging from a new black to a new gray. The biggest fish of the night would come from down below by the boat ramp it was a fat 19 inch brown and was caught on a blood red mohair leech. I had a couple of buddies from Ozark with me and they were using a pumpkin color mohair leech and were picking up quite a few fish on that as well. I talked to Rick Osborne and he said it was slow for him just pick up a few here and there. I was on the move last night with the moon up and bright you would catch a couple of fish you would have to move down. I would have to say that between the 3 of us we had 50-60 fish. But the Mohair leech proved to be the right fly again. Sorry for the short report but got to go to the shop and get some work done.




To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!


here's my report...

I got there right about 10pm... start just below chute 2 and picked up 3.. missed a few strikes..

moved down below the rebar and it was on.. I started throwing a big ulgy (size 10) and stripping it under the surface .. picked up 4 or 5 ...

half way down to the big hole.. I switched (you guessed it) the almighty white wolly.. picked up about 10 more fish and then got broke off by something really big.. it snapped 6lb line.. Last of the white wolly (forgot to tye some more).. so I put on a white mohawk sculpin.. picked up 4 or 5 more.. missing a few more then that...

around 1 am.. went up to the cable where michael was fishing.. I found a little honey hole just below chate 1.. picked up 5 more or so.. Id say I caught somewhere between 20-25 fish.. 1 brown about 16" and a bow about 18" was my best 2 fish of the night...

Next time Michael... we will have to do it again soon...


By the way..

Seth.. it was great to meet you last night.. next time your down we'll have to get you on the water when then moon comes out


What a coincidence. The other night I took a buddy that had never been to Taney. We started at rebar and were working down towards the big hole. A little further than half way, by buddy hooks into a big one! He had it on for 5-10 min probably (seemed like forever), before it spit the hook back at him. This fish was peeling line like there was no tomarrow. It was a dandy for sure! We were using spinning gear: 6lb test, rapala's in several different colors and sizes (I believe he hooked this fish with an F5 Brown trout pattern). He is deffinantly hooked now. It never fails though. Whenever I take a newbie down with me, they almost always catch the big one. It's a Blast!



Well I posted in the newest night fishing thread thanking Leonard for the flies and tips, but I will say it again in this one.

Thanks Leonard,

Was a pleasure meeting you Leonard and I look forward to getting down there again hopefully this August to try out night fishing again. Definetly will have to get some tying supplies for making some white woolies and squirrel leeches.

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