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  • Root Admin

I have an opinion about internet users and readers of sites like this- most if not all respect our fisheries and are law-abiding anglers.

Saying that, I'm not trying to pry anything out of anyone.

I understand what your concerns are. MDC officials have always read my site/reports/newletters over the years. No change in this forum.

Question- should I add a forum for expressing concerns? If I did, I would expect the same rules to apply (and I probably would have to enforce them more actively though). Comments would have to be repectful and constructive.

Just so happens... my father-in-law is the obudsman for DNR. I could ask him to moderate a forum- been thinking about that one for a week. I'll talk to him tonight.

What do you think?

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


I think it would be great. From my stand point I don't have any problem with the MDC, and as a matter of fact, as an old native, I'm quite proud of what they have achieved, but their work will never be done.

I have had a problem with the DNR, and while I have seen some positive things from them, they have still done things that were ill advised in my opinion and failed the responsibitity of protecting our heritage.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Phil; I think it would be a great idea. I really like the comments the Board members have made in independent post that would be well worth putting in one spot for MDC and DNR to review.


AKA Flysmith - Cassville MO

  • 2 weeks later...


I too think it would be a great idea. I know that I am legal, or at least believe that I am, and think most of the people that you are trying to attract are also. Would be a nice place to ask for clarification on issues and place concerns. JMO


Good luck and Good fishing


  • 2 weeks later...


I agree with the others it would be a nice format for discussion of changes, questions, and suggestions.

I believe we have probably the best fish & game dept in the country, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything they do.

The MDC is very respectful of public opinion and invites people to address them in writing and in person (when appropriate). We are very fortunate to have such a great dept, and we should keep in mind that MO taxpayers help fund their 1/8% tax that has made and continues to make many improvements, programs and land acquisitions possible.

It might be good if someone in the Fisheries Dept of MDC would agree to monitor the appropriate topic(s) on the Forum.

I'd like to see some of the Fisheries Biologists for the lakes also participate, perhaps on a non-professional basis, since many of them are fishermen (some are very good ones).

Bill Butts

Bill Butts

Springfield MO

"So many fish, so little time"


I think this is a great idea. Most of the time I have been in agreement with the MDC and am proud of what has been accomplished here in MO. It would be nice to have a place to discuss the issues and know the discussion is being heard (in this case read) by the MDC. It would also be nice to have their imput on some of the issues discussed in this forum.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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