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almost a full moon..

the fishing seem like it started out very slow for me..

then I found what they want and it went from ok to fantastic!!

me and my dad hit the lake a little after 9pm.. started at the rebar and went down to the big hole.. he problably caught somewhere around 15-20.. and I caught about 20-25 with a black sculpin (unweighted)..

I caught maybe 4 or5 nice browns (14-17 in range)..

Troutn.. it was great to me you last night..

Michael.. missed you again.. I saw your truck there as we were leaving




Well I started alot earlier than I would ever do, but had nothing to do after I closed the shop. Rodeny and I got down to Taney at around 7:00 and decided to do some wet wading what a refreshing feeling when it is 95 out. We started down below number 2 and just up from the rebar hole it is so nice to step out and see the shufflers out and you start hammering the fish using dry flies, some day the shufflers will learn.

Fished till dark and I had about 10-12 on a crakle back and a cream midge Rodney had about the same number. We went an ate then came back to find the parking lot alomost empty, I did not go to P.R. Just fished from the big hole up. Alot of things going on last night with the fish we caught them on just about everything that we threw at them. There was not a pat last night that they would set in on. Somtimes I would strip it slow somtimes I would burn it in and somtimes they would pick it up on the swing.

I used my usual mohair in just about every color that man could think about but the two that worked best were a purple and a orange. When I got sick of swithcing flies all the time I would start to fish top water with a muddler and a mouse. The fish were rising and splashing the whole night and if you have never done that at night you should it is a hoot. That is a great way to fish on a full moon night it's just like useing a spook at night for bass.

All in all we had a good night and even though the fishing was slow we still managed between the two of us to pick up around 45-50 fish. We did have several fish that would go between 15-17 inches both kinds browns and rainbows. It's not good when you get home and the wife is up worried about you because you said you would be home at 2:30 and I did not get home untill 4:45. I might be grounded for a while I feel a list coming down the pipe.

Leonard next time I go down Lets fish together Did you use the purple that your dad picked up. talk to you guys latter hope you all have or had a good day on the water.


To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!


i hope you arent on restriction a week from tuesday when i come to town. ive been fishing this tiny mountain stream that is 5 min from my house. man o man what a blast. i dont think ive ever had so much fun catching 4-10 in trout in my life. the water is only calf deep and gin clear tons of pocket water. the only fly i need is an elk hair caddis. ill have some video of it when i come home


There are two types of people. Those who dream dreams and wish, then there are the do'ers. I am a do'er!


I just got back from a four day vacation down there. I got to meet Leonard Thursday night as I was getting ready to leave. He was a great fella and gave me about a half a dozen flies to try.

Right before I left I was catching quite a few on a #8 olive wooly by outlet 2 and throwing across the river.

I went night fishing again on Friday night from 9-11 and was using an unweighted squirrel or bunny leech in black that Leonard gave me the night before. I was swinging it in the current and stripping it back and the trout were blowing up on it. I caught one brownie that came almost out of the water like a bass and gave me an awesome fight, he was about 17".

Thanks a lot Leonard, you got me hooked on night time fly fishing. That was awesome seeing those trout smoke that fly off the surface in the moonlight.

I can't wait to come down in the fall when the browns are up and try stripping some big unweighted streamers on the surface and see what I can dredge up.


The fishing started out slow for me as well. I got there a little after 9:00 pm and had just a little light left. It just wasn't working out or me. I need a WHOLE LOT of practice. So I put the fly rod up for the evening.

Soon after giving up I ran into Leonard. He offered to give me a few fly casting pointers and try to get me started in the right dierection. After watching him make a few cast I started flinging my rapala out there. It seemed to take awhile to figure out what they wanted, but after downsizing to a real small rapala in a brown trout pattern, it seemed to get pretty consistent. I was retrieving it extremely slow last night, maybe with a little twitch here and there. When the bite would slow on the brown trout pattern, I would go to a silver. I would get pick up a real quick fish or two, then nothing. I switched back and forth when ever then bite would slow on one color. It was a good night all in all, I cought about 20 fish and the biggest two being about 16 inch rainbows. No big browns last night for me.

Leonard . . It was great meeting your dad and yourself. Thanks a ton for the helpful casting instructions. Before too long i'll be down there with fly rod. Here is a picture of one of your browns. Sorry about the picture quality, I messed it up when I tried to resize it.



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