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I loaded my Little 12 foot Jon up.My wife asked if I was going fishing ? Yelp.Do you want to go? No I'll just do things around the house.Ok.

So I'm getting stuff together.She comes out.Where you going? Pomme De Terre.Do you want to go? I don't know.Well if you do tell me and I'll get stuff for you.Yea I guess.We're going to be just using Lures,you know casting reeling back in.Oh! So no setting and relaxing? No.I guess.

We get over there she is having a heck of time casting,even managed to get about 20 foot in a tree.

Wasn't catching anything,she decided next time Minnows and Worms and maybe set out Trotlines.Got back to the Pickup,loaded up came home.She is ready to go again but with Bait.


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