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07.05.2010 - Put in at the HWY 71 Bridge upstream from Anderson, holy cow there must have been 100 Pacific Islanders there swimming, BBQ, and carrying on. Floated from there downstream to Anderson Beach. We saw 2 other canoes and a couple small groups of folks floating in tubes. I think we were the only ones there to fish. The guys in the 2 other canoes had fishing rods, but we leap-frogged them several times and they seemed more interested in swimming and goofing around in the water than fishing.

Fishing seemed slower than normal - but may have been due to the fact that I had the girlfriend and her 7 year old nephew with me - lots of untangling and snagged limbs to deal with - but caught & released 11 smallmouth - 3 of which were right at the 15"-16" mark. Lots and lots of suckers in this stretch of water. This was a really nice float without many obstructions in the water and an overall good time. Even floated right through 2 heavy rains, which left us a couple inches of water in the bottom of the canoe and soaked everything we had in it, but it was an adventure.

07.03.2010 - On a sidenote a few friends and I camped out at Huckleberry Ridge on Saturday night and went down to Deep Ford access on Big Sugar. We didn't fish, but we did catch enough crawfish to fill a dutch oven and had ourselves a nice little crawfish boil. A perfect appetizer before brats and baked beans over a campfire.


How do you like that Deep Ford Access now that it has changed? I was surprised to find the channel had moved! Had to port the yak over a lot of gravel to find the river!

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


These were taken last year on the Big Sugar.

Our dog Cinnamon was a great dog...she was killed by a car ,in front of our house, June 30th 7 days ago....she loved to go fishing...she would watch you're line or bober and loved canoe fishing....




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I actually loved it, because there is a residual pool where the channel used to be and it was chock full of crawdads - thats where we caught em all.


I actually loved it, because there is a residual pool where the channel used to be and it was chock full of crawdads - thats where we caught em all.

you gotta be kidding me. I went down and caught crawdads out of the same pool on the night of the 4th. That is a great pool for catching crawdads.

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you gotta be kidding me. I went down and caught crawdads out of the same pool on the night of the 4th. That is a great pool for catching crawdads.

No joke - all kinds of them in that hole. Its hard to beat fresh crawdads boiled in Busch Beer with Old Bay or Zattaran's over the camp fire.


No joke - all kinds of them in that hole. Its hard to beat fresh crawdads boiled in Busch Beer with Old Bay or Zattaran's over the camp fire.

Oh I believe you. I just couldn't believe that someone else actually caught crawdads out of the same hole of water the size of a winnebago, that I did, on consecutive nights. What are the chances?

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