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  • Root Admin

Well, we've seen people catching trout, and others not doing so well. But that's typical when it comes to fishing. But... the bait fishers are doing much better than the artificial fishers it seems. Power Bait ruled this week- Gulp and regular eggs, white, yellow, pink and orange. Keep switching colors and you'll get your 4 rainbows. It did seem people were taking advantage of the limits, at least out of our dock. I talked to MDC about checking the dock but they've been busy. Just a word to those who plan of staying here at the Landing... if you're fishing- off the dock or out in a boat- you're allowed 4 trout a day per person, 8 in your possession. If you keep 8 trout in 2 days, you are catch and releasing the rest of your stay unless you eat some of your creel. Killing more than your limit robs the next person of his opportunity to catch trout, especially off a dock where the fish pool is limited. If you don't like the rules, don't come.

While I'm on the box, catching and releasing using bait. I assume since I've written about this many times and posted it in our rooms here at the resort that everyone knows- that's just not corrent it seems. If you're using bait you are going to lose alot of hooks so take a bunch. If a trout swallows the bait, don't use a hook retractor or forceps to dig it out. Don't touch the fish- just cut the line and let it fall back in the water. Don't handle a trout with your dry hands or dry rag. A dry rag is the worse thing you can use- you might as well hit it over the head and kill it now because it will die a slow death of desease. The mucas that comes off on your hands protect the trout from bacteria. Removed, it will develop mold on it's side and eventually die.

Fishing... I've fished alot this week and it's been slow for me. I've fished the trophy area (you can read my other reports from the week prior) and have not seen the number and size of rainbows from Fall Creek to Lookout that I'm accustomed to seeing. Yesterday did impress me, catching 3 nice rainbows. I did locate a school of these trophies at the bottom end of the Narrows and there were others scattered along the bluff bank. I did not though look or fish the shallow side of this stretch so I may be wrong about the lack of trout in this area.

Early and late there have been good midge hatches all over the lake. I've found that red #16 zebras are good at these times. Also some of the new zebras are working well- pearl and ugly.

They ran water yesterday afternoon hard which pushed cold water all the way down to Branson so the fishing down there should be good. Even on the boat ride back from the show last night I could see midging trout in front of the boat as I moved up the lake around the bridges.

Have any other questions- fire away. I'll do my best to answer them.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Fished this AM behind the dam. Started with the scud with a few fish changed to a black Zebra midge and that was the ticket. Caught around 25 before 8:00am. It rained like crazy!!!! I felt like a drown rat!! Got to spend some quality time talking to our new state record brown trout owner, Rick. Enjoyed the company very much. Got to meet some more of our forum members.KFF. Great morning even with the soaking!!

Smiles are free


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