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I have some electronics (depth finder) questions...

Until now, I basically used my locators to find depth (and help me from running aground). Now I have a place on Table Rock Lake & dont see how I can fish without using the electronics PROPERLY !

The screen scrolls left to right. ( thats as you pass bow to stern right?) So you see a hump possibly holding fish. To hold on top of the underwater structure, do you just reposition your boat to where you THINK the structure is ? Will the screen still scroll left to right even if you stopped ? Seems to me, I dont recall my loctors displays ever stopping. Perhaps Ive been away from the boat too long. Does the display stop you can see the structure constantly ? How do you know you are on top on the structure.

Thanks for the input.

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Red-Right-Returning is for quitters !


Does your display scroll form left to right or right to left. Most scroll right to left.

When you stop on top of the structure, your locator will still scroll from right to left and it will give you an update as to what is below the boat. You can hold on a piece of structure by checking the depth shown on the display. What you see on the left of the screen is old news and what you see on the right side of the screen is what is being updated (what is below the transducer). What you see on the right side of the screen is what you will be concerned about at all times, running or stopped. That is the newest information your locator is providing you.

I know this sounds a bit confusing, but you will always be concerned about what the right side of the screen is showing.

Some units will allow you to adjust the rate at which the screen updates (how fast it scrolls across from right to left.) Some units will also allow for you to display a bar like the old flasher units. This is more accurate than the little fish pictures.

I hope this helps. Without being there to show you, it's kind of hard to tell you here.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


Thanks for your reply... Right to left? your probably right.. So if I see the hump passing from the right side of the screen and I a NOT moving, my transducers cone is right on it. So I guess its a mathematical thing of how close I can drop a bait on top of the hump. 30 degree cone & depth of water.

If I can figure that out then I should be able to get close ?

Does your display scroll form left to right or right to left. Most scroll right to left.

When you stop on top of the structure, your locator will still scroll from right to left and it will give you an update as to what is below the boat. You can hold on a piece of structure by checking the depth shown on the display. What you see on the left of the screen is old news and what you see on the right side of the screen is what is being updated (what is below the transducer). What you see on the right side of the screen is what you will be concerned about at all times, running or stopped. That is the newest information your locator is providing you.

I know this sounds a bit confusing, but you will always be concerned about what the right side of the screen is showing.

Some units will allow you to adjust the rate at which the screen updates (how fast it scrolls across from right to left.) Some units will also allow for you to display a bar like the old flasher units. This is more accurate than the little fish pictures.

I hope this helps. Without being there to show you, it's kind of hard to tell you here.

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Red-Right-Returning is for quitters !


If you are stopped on top of the hump, your screen won't show a hump but level bottom.

The right side of your screen always shows what is directly under your transducer. What appears on the right side of the screen is present time. What you see on the left, or scrolling to the left is what was there before.

If the hump tops out at 10' in 20' of water, when you are on that hump, your screen will show 10 feet. If you are not moving, your screen will constantly show 10 feet. Once you start moving off that hump, your screen will start to show deeper water.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


AHHH HA ! Thanks.. THAT I can relate to !

If you are stopped on top of the hump, your screen won't show a hump but level bottom.

The right side of your screen always shows what is directly under your transducer. What appears on the right side of the screen is present time. What you see on the left, or scrolling to the left is what was there before.

If the hump tops out at 10' in 20' of water, when you are on that hump, your screen will show 10 feet. If you are not moving, your screen will constantly show 10 feet. Once you start moving off that hump, your screen will start to show deeper water.

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Red-Right-Returning is for quitters !


Something you may also want to consider is what is showing may not be directly under the boat. Remember that your soundings go out in an ever widening cone. Anything picked up and returned to the unit will be shown on the right side even is it is not.

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