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I hit Finley for about 1 1/2 hours on Sunday. I fished the same thing all day (small green pumpkin plastic). The first hour I didn't get a bite. The river was down considerably since the last time I had been there. I decided to move to a hole that I knew was deep (relative term) and had some moving water. I threw to the seam and had 6 bites in about 10 minutes. I hooked 3 of the 6 bites and they resulted in 3 solid Ozark Bass. All looked healthy (The 2 pictures are of the same Ozark Bass). The one in the picture was a toad, the pictures don't do it justice. Next, I went to my bluegill spot (spring/summertime) and caught the largemouth within 5 minutes. Then, it was time to go home and change a few diapers (New baby in the house!!)







I went back today from 9:30 - 11:30. Fished the same thing as Sunday and picked up 4 largemouth and 1 Ozark Bass.

It was nice feeling that tug on the line, while feeling the crispness in the air.




Nice fish, thanks for the pics. Hopefully I can steal a day of fishing over thanksgiving break. It's been about a month since I fished last because this has been the semester from hell, but hopefully I can hit The James or The Finley this week. I think the constellatus is the most handsome of the Ambloplites genus. Lucky we have so many of them around here.


I think the constellatus is the most handsome of the Ambloplites genus. Lucky we have so many of them around here.

I think maybe me, Gavin, and Al understand that. Well, I do now, after I looked the constellatus part up.:lol:

At least I understood the Ambloplites part.


To anyone who is wondering, constellatus is the official name of the Ozark Bass (which is one of the species of goggle-eye that inhabit Ozark waters). I believe there are 2 others that inhabit missouri waters (Northern and Shadow).

I feel your pain on not getting to fish very much. Hopefully you can make it to the water sometime soon.



I'm going to try to go somewhere tomorrow even though we're getting a good storm now and a nasty cold front following it up. The girlfriend whats to go even though it's going to be in the mid-twenty's tomorrow. We'll see in the morning if she's still so enthusiastic about going.

The three species of Ambloplites: rupestris, constellatus, and ariommus, is something that has caught my interest this semester. I find it pretty interesting that they were only fairly recently distinguished as separate species. Apparently before they were distinguished as separate species MDC was moving them all around mixing the three. I've been thinking about graduate research on them but who knows.

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