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Older Pics


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Here are a couple of pics I took years ago in WI.

The bridge pic was taken with an Olympus 2.1 megapixel digital.

The moon rise over Lake Michigan was taken with a 35mm Yashica point and shoot film camera and scanned. Sorry for the noise in the pic. It looks old and faded since I was using ISO 800 film. My mom has this pic hanging on her wall in an 8x10 and it don't look as bad as this.



There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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Nice shots. I really like the lighting in the bridge pic.

Thanks for sharing


I also liked the lighting in that one. The pic was taken in the late afternoon and the sun was going down. Gave everything that "orangish" appearance.

Believe it or not, this stream (Oak Creek) actually has an annual run of steelhead and salmon that come up from Lake Michigan.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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Its unbelievable really, is it true pic of nature , what a reflection of sun, its awesome.

The picture of the bridge was taken during daylight hours.

The reflection of the moon rising over Lake Michigan was taken at night.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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