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I arrived Wednesday at 1:30 PM and fished rebar to big hole with no generation and 70 degree weather. It was a great day to be out wading! I used a size 18 gray scud at rebar and landed eight rainbows. When I got below rebar I switched to a cream colored crackelback size 12 and stripped it through the slower water. I landed another 15 rainbows, the largest about 16 inches. The horn sounded at 6:00 PM and I went back to the room for dinner.

At 9:00 PM they were running two generators when I got to the upper parking lot. There was only one vehicle in the lot and and the fisherman was walking up from the water. It was a pleasant surprise to meet Leonad Kenney for the fist time. He gave me a couple of flies and told me to follow him down to the cable. We fished for a couple of hours and I landed three rainbows as I watched him landed many more.

Thursday we rented one of your johnboats as they ran 2-3 generators all day. We started at the cable and drifted down to the old KOA. I was throwing 3/16th oz jigs in white and gray/white on 2 lb line. I would catch two or three fish on each drift. After several drifts we floated from lookout to the bend above fall creek. The fast water at Point Royale to just below Andy William's house was the most productive using the same jigs. After lunch we went back to the cable and I fished a small egg sinker with a size 10 white fly. It was the best action I had all day, especially from outlet 2 to big hole. I broke several off on the bottom and it was at that time you hand delivered the white jigs to our boat. (You can't beat that for service!) You said they were working for you so needless to say we tied them on and continued to catch fish until dark.

Friday at 4:30 AM I went back and fished from the cable to above outlet 2 using the same white weighted fly Leonard gave me. There was a light mist most of the morning as they ran one generator. I ended up landing eight fish with the largest being 18". Most of the fish were caught between outlet 1 and the railroad tie on the bank. When it got light I swithced to a 1/8th scuplin colored jig on 2 lb line. I caught anther six rainbows and quit at 9 AM so I could get back and check out of the room.

At 10:30 am I went back to rebar and fished an 18 tan scud below an indicator. I land seven more rainbows and called it a day at 1:00 PM as the crowd was stating to build as a result of the upcoming holiday weekend.

I had a great time and caught alot of rainbows, but not one brown. The largest was 18" and there were another half dozen that were over 16". There were an unusually large number of the small silver bullets that had recently been stocked. As always it was a great time to be at Lilley's Landing catching trout! I hope to be back again in March. Thanks, Bill Howe

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Thanks Phil for posting this report from Bill Howe. I always enjoy reading fishing reports from Taneycomo. Even if I can't be there I like to hear about others enjoying the wonderful fishery that Taneycomo provides. Those who are stuck on large green fish with big mouths are missing a great experience with those colorful, sometimes not so little fish!

Real men go propless!


always it was a great time to be at Lilley's Landing catching trout! I hope to be back again in March. Thanks, Bill Howe

Got to add "Amen" to the above statement.

Thanks for a very good detailed report. Leonard is a Hoot isn't he! Last time I was there he invited my grandson down to the edge of outlet 2 and taught him the "chuck and duck technique". Tim had hooked a couple of trout in about ten minutes with Leonard's help.

Thom Harvengt

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