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Truth I would just like to catch a fish that I can't just catch anywhere.What bothers me is so many hate this fish and will kill everyone they catch.Can't figure why with a fish that is so Unique to the area??


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I hate to hear of others killing every muskie they catch. The conservation department has invested a lot of time and money to promote the muskie fishery.

I guess a lot of fishermen blame the muskies when they can not catch other fish. I remember many years ago when local crappie fishermen complain about the muskies eating all the crappie, when they would take more than one limit of crappie per day and come back the next day to do it again and again.

Oh yeah, muskies will eat a bass or crappie from time to time. But, what fish doesn't eat another fish sometime? Actually, Pomme de Terre has a good population of shad, which seems to be a favorite food for a lot of different fish

Oh well, I'm no expert. However, it is more than interesting to hear of other lakes in other states that have a higher population of muskies also have a higher population of crappie and bass.

Too bad Pomme de Terre can establish weeds like there were many years ago. I think that would help a lot of the fishery.

Oh well, I'm sure most of those who kill every muskie they catch probably don't obey many regulations either. They probably don't pay much attention to size or limits. I doubt if many of them are trustworthy. just my thoughts from talking to a couple of those who hate muskies.


Yea seems every Big Fish in the Lake follow them Shad and not hard to hook up pitching Spinners in with them.Thing is yea see a Crappie every so often with Teeth marks but how many are caught by Bass and Catfish.

It really bothers me on some people enjoy fighting a Fish for several minutes then Net it and kill it just because they don't like it even if its a Buffalo.


  • 2 weeks later...

I agree 100% and then some with you guys, I would just love the experience of hanging into one of those monsters , what a thrill it must be, and to hear of someone killing one --- well SHAME on them -- turn it loose to fight another day !!! How selfish to kill it !!! Thanks to the state for stocking them

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