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I know it's not a sport but it is a hobby of mine and I didn't see any other venue it would fit in. Just got back from a trip to the Bahamas and did some diving while we were there. While in Nassau I talked the wife into doing a couple of shark dives with Stuart Coves dive shop , what an awesome experience! Being that close to so many big sharks in the feeding mode is an adrenaline rush for sure and something that my wife and I won't soon forget. I've got some pics posted on my blog (I know it's not fishing but there are pictures of fish!) for any other divers out there interested in reading about the trip and seeing a few pictures.



Great pictures. Looks like it was a great time. You've got a really cool blog going there. I enjoyed reading and looking at it.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Thanks for the comments guys , debated on whether to even post it on my blog since I try to keep it all fishing related and not my lifes story. Had several buddies that wanted to see some shark pics though so I thought what the hell. Glad you all found it interesting , I've made several fishing buddies on this site and it makes me wonder how many fellow diving enthusiasts are out there as well.



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