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I went to Bass Pro Sat. evening after fishing just to check it out and could not believe the arrogant parking jobs. Walking into the store I counted 6 cars and trucks that were blatanly doubleparked. These were vehicles that would easily fit into one parking space. That lot was crowded to begin with and then these folks decide they need to take two spots. An open comment to anyone that parks this way... if you are worried about door dings, then park down at the end of the lot and make the long walk, it is not going to kill you.

The only good excuse would be a handicapped person that could not find an open handicap spot, otherwise there is no excuse for parking like an a...hole.


Is it just me or have people become extremely rude in their driving behaviors. It seems to me an awfully lot of drivers could care less about others who are out on the road, or in a parking lot. They act like they are the only one that has the right to be there and that they deserve more than anyone else. Whatever happened to just being a decent person and respecting others.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Hey, it's the Ozark way. I nearly get killed everyday by the maroons on the road.

In St. Johns parking lot last week my wife has our newborn son in a stroller and I have a big blue cast on my leg and some dork tries backing over us. After I alert him by whacking the crutch on the rear bumper as I try to get out of the way he looks at us as he keeps backing up and gives me "the one finger salute"! Classy.

As my father in law says "let 'em get where they're going, people are waiting on 'em cuz hell is only half full"!


The best thing I had seen was someones pretty grey mercedes SUV parked about 4 feet over the line. Some guy in a primered mid 70's chevy pickup pulled in with all of four inches to spare and climbed out his window. He was laughing half way across the parking lot. Guess that time it backfired. '

I really wanted to hang around and see the look on the face of the person in that Mercedes.





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I acually know people that hit cars double parked like that the newer the more they like it. now thats one way of giveing someone the hint. And as far as someone backing/pulling into me.. i'm 6 ft 230 lbs and i'll jump through someone window if they don't give me my room when i'm walking. I try to watch every body around me and i just exspect the same.

Fight the good fight.


I am disabled and I have seen people park in HandiCapped parking without sticker's on there car's many times. I normally park else were. But the other day I went to park in a HandiCapped spot and a guy from California pull's in and his wife get's out and goes into the store while he get's out and goes for a walk. This was right in front of me and the only other spot was way out. I got mad and called the police and an officer show's up and didn't wnat to give the guy a ticket because he was from out of state and a tourist. I got so mad that I told the officer that I would have him called up on charges if he didn't give the guy a ticket. Right then the guy show's up and he start's to raise hell about this. I just backed off and along comes the police captian. He get's mad at the guy from California and tell's him he will run him in if he dosen't close his mouth. He also tell's the officer that if he doesn't write the ticket he will have him called in on the carpet. I got a big smile right then and there. :) We get a lot of that in our town because it is a tourist town. Nice to see the local's have something to say about thing's now and then. I should tell you that my wife is the head of the county health department and know's all the officer's both county and town police and that she gives them all there shot's. The Captian knew me and I didn't say a word after he showed up. Seem's he hates shot's LOL :) By the way the fine is $100.00 for parking in a Handicapped spot. Ron

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