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  • Root Admin

A small slide on the northeast side of the earthen dam has Corp and Highway officials worried about the road structure.

Right now, they are confident in the structure of the dam itself.

We are packing some things... just in case.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg



This is a little "safe, rather than sorry issue" The "slide" is somewhat disturbing. However, after a very short time in looking closely at the situation I believe it is simply one of the small "seal" layers on the outside of the earth portion of the darn. It could cause some problems, especially with the roadway. A 6" dip in the roadway is major to traffic, however no a big deal to the darn. It is far from a failure that can cause "major" problems.

However, I did just look at it for a few minutes. Keep in mind, the same experts that built a "just in case," multi million dollar spillway are in charge of the situation.


B. Foz

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