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Just returned from a visit to Norfork Lake and found I'd have to swim 200 feet out to climb on our dock. This was on April 28th. Didn't want to disturb the owners relaxed day by too many requests, if you've been there you know what I mean------

Totally contrary to the fishing reports the lake has not been usable since the week before when it got over 12 inches of rain in the basin in four days. Muddy as can be and up in the trees. Tons and tons of timber floating in the lake. Should make for some great driftwood finds once it goes back down-----------forecast as of today May 1 is for 5 to 8 more inches of rain in the next few. Lake will not be fish-able for weeks at least perhaps months!

Not to take anything away from those who post reports on the Norfork fishing just wanted those who have reservations or are planning to visit soon-------go north young man, go north!


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I have a friend that is a guide on Norfork and his clients have caught 40 stripers the last 5 days, with the largest being 28 lbs. I don't know where on the lake he is fishing though.


After the rains last nite, I bet the whole lake is one big mud bowl again. I had hoped to get the yak out to Pigeon Creek and try the fishing there. Gonna have to wait until the mud settles again.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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The lake was looking kinda rough for a few days, but is recovering nicely. Still a brown strip of water in the main channel that gets smaller every day. Most creeks are fairly to extremely clear depending on the wind direction. Fishing is very good right now in the brushy shorelines and creeks. Stripers are following thier normal spring pattern although the main lakepoint boils seem to be a little more frequent.

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