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Thanks for starting this thread, I know it will help a lot of people. I am currently "standing in the need of prayer." Working on a tough personnel issue at work and also caught up in some political aspects of that. I'm having a hard time forgiving some, and seeing a way through the mess. I believe that involving others in prayer really helps.


  • Root Admin

Boy you're not alone on this one. If you're working in close quarters with others, it's tough sometimes to get along. I would encourage you to take the highroad in all things, even though you don't get recognized as doing such. This is where the spiritual principle comes in called 'reaping and sowing'.

Forgiveness is another issue that's tough to do without God's help. If we are willing to forgive, even though we don't always feel like it, admit it to God and ask for help. All He asks for is a willing heart.

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I also want to encourage you in your situation. You're right, the more prayer, the better. We want you to know that you have many who are with you in this and are trusting for an incredible outcome. The verse that talks about keeping in step with the Spirit applies here, too. Also, God gives wisdom to those that ask for it (James 1). Expect to have some great insights as you walk through this thing and then just do what the Lord shows you to do.

Keep up the good work. And remember that the others involved in the situation are more important than the situation itself.


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