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  • Root Admin

We've been hit twice now, the first time last week (Monday night) and again last night. They are taking gas tanks out of our rental boats. Lazy Valley, our neighbors, lost 3-4 tanks last night and we lost 4. Nothing else has been messed with that we know of.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Isn't that something. You know it's probably not the tank they are after, its the fuel.

There are some stations in Arkansas that have gone to "pay before you pump" because of all the drive offs.

Sad it is...Dano

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

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You can thank the oil companies for this "act of desperation" as fuel goes up people get poorer. And as history will show poverty all ways brings theft.

Fight the good fight.

  • Members
You can thank the oil companies for this "act of desperation" as fuel goes up people get poorer. And as history will show poverty all ways brings theft.

A thief is a thief no matter the price of gas. Oil companies didn’t make these people steal gas tanks…but there lousy upbringing odds-on has something to do with it.


I hope the morons are using the gas in a boat. I sure would not put it in my truck with the oil in it. I guess next time I stay at Lilley's we'll have to take all our stuff to the room each night. That is sad to hear because in 33 years of fishing Taney have never had even one problem.

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This type of stuff is happening everywhere. There have been some residents in my neighborhood that have had diesel siphoned out of their tanks within the last couple weeks. I am sure that it has just found its way down to the lake, and it will find its way everywhere in time. I was thinkin the same thing as you rainbow that I hoped they didn't realize it was a diesel truck and put it into their unleaded vehicle. That would be fun to watch!


I would not doubt they were stolen for the fuel. It is happening everywhere and is only going to get worse as long as fuel stays as high as it is.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Members

I was listening to the scanner last night here in Sullivan, and the deputy was taking a report on a drive off at the local stop and rob, and someone else drove off without paying while he was there. I know this officer and he drives a marked car. Gutsy.

  • Root Admin

The gas was straight- we run 4-strokes. Haven't bothered guests boats fortunately.

We'll get 'em... we're up for the challenge.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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