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  • Root Admin

Headed up at 6 this morning to Lookout, Being the first boat out is pretty sweet. About the same generation every morning- one or may be a little more running. Good current to throw a 3/32nd oz jig.

They were hungry this morning. Bite on almost every cast the first drift down. Nothing over 18 inches though but had 3-4 or them. One kentucky and one goggleye- both were fat as pigs. Probably eating sculpin.

Second drift down wasn't as good. We worked the channel out away from the bank more than I have the last few days.

Second drift- had this rainbow tap my jig in the fast water at the Narrows.

Drifted almost all the to Short Creek and picked up several very nice rainbows along the bluff bank but not as much action as above Fall Creek.


Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Phil these reports are really making me want to put together a nice little spin combo for when the water is up and the fly fishing is limited. My wife is going to be mad.


  • Members

For those of us not very familiar with the channel, how careful do you have to be boating with one or two units running? Is the run up to lookout pretty safe as far as damaging the prop?

  • Root Admin

Well... The only real place you have to watch is the Narrows and with one unit running, you need to be in the channel on on plane. Otherwise, it's mid lake. You can even go over the bar at Fall Creek- I think it's deeper since the flood.

Now once you're past the Narrows, and up to Lookout, you can run to Big Hole but I wouldn't go past there until they kick on another unit. You can get above there is you take it real easy and stay left till the root wad, then back to mid lake. It's tricky- even for those of us that's use to doing it cause it's changed that much. I may blow through there but I'm going to tell someone else to because if I do it, it's my boat I damage. I don't want someone to damage their boat on account of my advice.

A good mark for the Narrows- go under the arched tree. Stay about the same distance from the bank like you're going under the tree. If it's foggy, stay out about 60-80 feet I think? That's pretty close.

Vanven- I have some nice combos in the shop! They're what I use, spooled up with line and ready to go.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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