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Saw a lot of dead fish foating around on the surface yesterday. My wife and I went to Pomme de Terre for the first time and really liked the lake just wondering what the deal with all the fish floating around were. Put in at bolivar landing and while fishing started noticing a few shad floating, no big deal but then saw bass, crappie and bluegill. Not a ton but a few of each species didn't look like they had been dead for very long just wondering if anyone else has seen this. Caught several bass on football jigs and crainkbaits in 8-15 foot of water.


I dropped an e-mail to the MDC Fisheries Biologist who works Pomme advising him of the reports. It certainly isn't unusual this time of year until cooler weather returns to have some to a lot of dead fish floating around from various causes ranging from stress, to bacterial infections, fungal infections, protozoan infections etc. There is nothing much that be done about it, except wait for cooler weather and a nice rain. (doesn't look good right now for either of those things).


Mopanfisher thanks for doing that! I should have done that myself but just was unsure as to what the cause was. I know the fish get stressed this time of year but I have never seen as many as I did floating on top. I appreciate you taking action!


You are welcome. The Biologist did e-mail me right back, they hadn't heard of any reports so it was news to them. They generally are pretty quick to check it out. If I hear more back from him I will post it up.

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