Flysmallie Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 The SA Textured is something new that came after Sharkskin. And they are creating a lot of new offerings off of it. Scientific Anglers Unveils Five New Lines, Three "Transfers" Submitted by Zach Matthews on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 09:40. Gear Scientific Anglers always has a slew of new lines, but this year we're seeing something slightly different. Many of the popular tapers in the Sharkskin series are switching over to the even more popular Mastery Textured lineup. SA's chief line designer Tim Pommer explains: "The Textured lines offer 80% of the shooting advantages of the Sharkskin but none of the disadvantages of wear and tear on fingers. Initially, the Textured technology wasn't available, but as we developed our manufacturing abilities, it made sense to switch some of the lines over to Textured." Specifically, lines meant to be stripped back through fingers make more sense in the Textured lineup (which has golf ball-like embossed divots) as opposed to the wedge-shaped Sharkskin texturing. The lines making the switch from Sharkskin to Textured are all in the Mastery series: the Tarpon, Streamer Express, and Saltwater Clear Tip will all be transferred over. Meanwhile, Scientific Anglers is also offering five all-new lines. The Skagit Extreme Intermediate Head is the first fully intermediate Skagit head on the market. The idea is to allow the fly to track at a slower speed through water. "It drives steelhead bonkers," says Pommer. Inland spey fishers might also want to try the line for stripers. The Mastery Textured Series is also getting a pair of new lines, the Titan taper and the Trout Stalker. These lines are sort of polar opposites: the Titan is an integrated all-floating shooting line which works equally well for bombing huge casts with a one-hander or with a Switch rod. Meanwhile, the Trout Stalker was "tweaked from the Expert Distance line, but made to be more fishy." Fans of the popular light-line XPS series might appreciate the Trout Stalker's longer reach, without compromising the soft presentation. In the "regular" Mastery series, SA is introducing the Mastery VPT, which is similar to the GPX but more delicate and able to handle single-hand spey casting. It is primarily targeted at the European market. Finally SA will be adding the Distance Spey, which is intended to allow even a novice spey caster to handle a longbelly line. "It'll bomb the opposite bank of the Thompson no matter how much time you've got with the Spey rod," says Pommer.
johndarin Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 I throw big streamers all the time with my royal wulff and have no problems casting at any distance. I cast small streamers to size 2 articulated and have no problem at all. Darin Schildknecht Pro Staff - Lilleys' Landing Resort & Marina Lake Taneycomo, Branson, Missouri
Wayne SW/MO Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 I just looked into them. From what I am reading about it is that it has a longer head??? Maybe I read the specs wrong. If I was going to be throwing streamers (not at huge distances) wouldn't I want a shorter head for quicker rod loading and the ability to shoot line better and to carry the bigger flies better? I'm still learning so thats why I am asking. Thanks The Triangle Taper is unique in that the head is tapered after a short level line. It will handle distance well, but more important because you're constantly turning heavier line over lighter it will carry a little more resistance than a weight forward well. Streamers aren't that hard to throw and shouldn't be put in a class with bass bugs and big hair flies. You will also find many instances on upper Taney where people are literally everywhere and roll casting will get you where ypu want to go without the hassle of constantly checking behind you. Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.
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