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we are looking to come down to the Osage Bluff area in mid September to try some bass fishing.We were just wondering what might be our best bet to find some fish.Also wondered which is best at that time the main lake or up in the Pomme De Terre river.Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Tight Lines to all


tough to say depends on water temps. there are some fish wanting to go to the backs now in the osage. the water temp today in that area was still 83. when it gets closer might be able to hekp you somemore.

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Thanks,z21 I know water temps goin to make a big difference we fish Pomme De Terre lake alot thought we would see what Truman has to offer always nice hearing from a fellow Ranger fan wouldnt trade mine for nuttin

good luck to you will let everyone know what we find when we get there

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