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Newbie To The River


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i was just wondering if there was any good fishing at this location, and if i waded how deep does it get. then what fish would i catch out of there.

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I haven't fished that stretch myself. I've done the confluence down river from there a couple times and various places outside of Ozark numerous times. The river seems to get a bit tighter and smaller as it gets closer the confluence, but I have no idea if it's that way that far up stream (looks status quo according to Google maps).

It's rare to find a pool over your head, especially given how dry things had been prior to this week, but they do exist (I know of one outside of Ozark 10+ feet deep). In any case, it's very wadeable. You shouldn't have any problem keeping water below your waders. Knowing nothing about that specific spot, I would expect most water to be ankle deep, the occasional pool getting up to your chest.

You can catch lots of Goggle eye and sunfish. You can catch fewer but plenty of small mouth and the occasional large mouth bass. I almost always fish for small mouth and end up catching the other things in the process.

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The bridge at 160/13 gets beat up pretty badly these days. Even with access being limited to just the southwest side of the bridge (where there is parking at the old convenience store location). Floaters are still launching from this side but going through posted property to get that done. AFAIK, no one has been arrested yet but it's only a matter of time before that gets enforced and eliminated as well.

I still go there to check out fly design but if I also want fish response I go elsewhere. (I also access the river from the highway easement.)

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so around ozark would be my better bet. thanks for the info. Idont know that area at all so how would i get there.

Smyrna road would probably be a good start. There is a nice pool not far down stream from there. That 10 foot pool I was talking about, if I'm remembering correctly, is up stream from there, but quite a way.

You could also fish the James/Finley confluence near Jamesville. That is actually closer to 13 if that is easier for you.

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Smyrna road would probably be a good start. There is a nice pool not far down stream from there. That 10 foot pool I was talking about, if I'm remembering correctly, is up stream from there, but quite a way.

You could also fish the James/Finley confluence near Jamesville. That is actually closer to 13 if that is easier for you.

Sounds good ill have to give that a try sometime. where is jamesville.

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