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Morning! I was interested in how I can learn more about the bug world and how it relates to fishing. What to look(or what I am looking at for that matter) during a hatch, seasons for a certain hatch, how to identify certain bugs that I am seeing. Any information, links, or even a response would be greatly appreciated.




That's a very broad question...There are tons of good books on the subject...I'd start with a Whitlock's Guide to Aquatic Trout Foods. Cheers.


Yea, it's probably broad because I have 0 experience with the matter. Thanks for the recommendation!


So much of this is area specific. Might want to narrow it down to a region.

Also pick up a copy of Fish Food by Ralph Cutter, Fish and Their Foods by Dave Whitlock, or Dave Whitlock's Guide to Aquatic Trout Foods. I have all three and each is a very good source of info and on where/what to look for.

Primer: http://www.flyfishingnc.com/fly-bugs/entomology/ http://donsnotes.com/recreation/fly-fishing_entomology.html

Pics: http://www.troutnut.com/ http://www.pbase.com/michellemahood/real_bugs

Zack Hoyt

OAF Contributor

Flies, Lies, and Other Diversions


Check your local fly shop to see if they offer an entomology class. Books are a big help. That reminds me I have a book about what trout eat somewhere.



This is exactly the input I was looking for. I appreciate all of your responses.


  • 4 weeks later...

The one place I fish offers an entomology class so I decided to take it. They offer it twice a year and I missed the spring class but got in on the fall class. There will be 4 hours of class time on saturday, which means I can fish before and after, and on sunday an actual field trip to the river with bug collecting and fly selection will be discussed. Sure I could do some of this on my own and save money but for no more than the class costs, to me it is worth it for what I will gain from someone who makes a living guiding on these waters. I don't get to fish this area but maybe every couple months so any knowledge I gain will help me fish that place better.



The best way to learn entomology of your water is first hand...

get on the water and move a few rocks... dont have to turn over every rock you see..

look for scuds and sow bugs... size and colors..

midges.. size and colors.. and watch for the ones flying around you (if you see a big cluster of bugs in air shaped like a ball most likely there are midges and not skeeters)

worm.. color

sculpins... size and colors


watch for trout "sipping" the top of the water.. this is called midging..they are taking them off the top as the hatch or dropping eggs..

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