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I'm not a very frequent contributor but i feel compelled to chime in. In June 1985 I arrived at the School of the Ozarks as a college freshman and was greeted warmly by my dorm supervisor and his wife (Vince and Jo Beth). Over the course of the next five years I was able to fish, hunt and work with Vince. Many times we would leave campus before the gates opened with that old 14' V-bottom and 10HP mercury in tow and return many nights after the gates were closed. If it swam or ran through the woods there was a better than average chance that we chased it together at some point from 1985-1990. I often make light of the situation that yes it took me 5 years to graduate from college because of all the outdoor opportunities that were provided to me by Vince and I wouldn't change it for anything. I would go back and do it again in a heart beat. Even though after graduation we didn't continue fishing and hunting together we always managed to meet up after games or something and at least talk the talk. I will miss those times and cherish the memories

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Keith- I'm going to tell your story at Vince's service this morning... thanks!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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Never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Elfrink, but he was fortunate to have a close friend like you Phil. Close friendships are one of those things are not a dime a dozen. God bless you!

You can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.


I had the privledge of fishing with Vince several times. He was an excellent fisherman and a very congenial and friendly person to be with. He was a master at sensing a strike when fishing for crappie or white bass with the spinning rod as well as Trout fishing with the fly rod. In August, Phil and I took Vince fly fishing up in the Trophy area. Phil had warned me that Vince probably wouldn't want to fish more than an hour or so because he tired very easily. He still had the golden touch to see strikes and catch fish. After about 3 and 1/2 hours of fishing Phil finally asked him if he was ready to go back. He obviously was having a great time and we were enjoying his company.

I will always remember the good experiences with this gentleman and really great fisherman. -- Rolan

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He will be missed! Vince talked me into skipping class and fishing on his lunch break one time..we went down and he caught 15 fish i caught 1 (well actually he never knew I skipped).He was the first person to teach me how to catch fish on taney and man he could catch 'em!!! It was sad to hear the news.

"set the steel to em"

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