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I'm pretty sure it was a white trumpeter swan. My brother saw a few last week duck hunting. He said they had a huge wingspan. Hopefully i can attach this picture showing one in flight with it's feet trailing behind.post-12145-13248251531642_thumb.jpg

thx for the photo bill, just can't recall seeing the black feet and bill.


Seriously, if it was by itself, I doubt it was a swan. I'm more apt to think it was a white crane. They do fly low, kind of noisy and are usually loners. Swans are always at least in pairs, unless a hunter has mistaken one for a snow goose, which has happened, though I can't imagine someone not being able to tell the difference. I've also only witnessed swans in fields and shallow marsh conditions. Just from what I've observed, I don't think they are large bodies of water type birds, though I'm far from an expert.




tundra swan is likely what you saw. I have seen them in the area, and though not ususally alone there is a season on them to the states north and west of here. They have a call similar to a goose ,but more like a spec or snow goose. Not uncommon at all in some locals.

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