Members charliehorsejigs Posted January 10, 2012 Members Posted January 10, 2012 Sure do miss the fishing dock at mutton creek. Anyone heard if they are going to build another one?
Members Ranger Dave Posted January 20, 2012 Members Posted January 20, 2012 What happened to the fishing dock? I haven't been there for a while.
Members charliehorsejigs Posted January 20, 2012 Author Members Posted January 20, 2012 They shut it down about a year and a half ago. They were going to use the space for additional room for the restaurant. The owners said they were considering building another one, but I haven't heard any more about it. I don't know of any other enclosed docks on any lakes around here. I like to fish covered docks in the winter, but I will not pay the OUTLANDISH fees Oklahoma charges for an out of state fishing license. It should be considered extortion.
Walcrabass Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 They shut it down about a year and a half ago. They were going to use the space for additional room for the restaurant. The owners said they were considering building another one, but I haven't heard any more about it. I don't know of any other enclosed docks on any lakes around here. I like to fish covered docks in the winter, but I will not pay the OUTLANDISH fees Oklahoma charges for an out of state fishing license. It should be considered extortion. I agree, it is like extortion. If my memory serves me correctly it used to be the same price for an In-State License as an Out-of-State license. I have tried to explain to more than one Conservation Commision that it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE FOR A WORKING PERSON TO TAKE HIS WIFE, KIDS, AND HIMSELF TO THE LAKE OR RIVER WITH THESE KIND OF FEES AND GAS PRICES. I am really surprised that they have not caught on as to why the number of hunters etc. is shrinking. It is purely economics. In the case of the State of Missouri they have even considered charging the LANDOWNERS FOR DEER TAGS TO USE ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY. Let me see now, release animals on their property that eats their crops and then charge them for hunting on their property. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, and at the same time take in millions of dollars in license fees for the Deer that the farmers raise that other hunters kill. Quite a deal huh? Wouldn't it be great if farmers could release Cattle on other peoples property, let them shoot them, (in season of course) and then those people pay them for each one by the pound and according to whether or not it is a Cow or a Bull? Especially after those same Cattle Hunters had already provided a place for them to live and fed them? Sorry to be so sarcastic but enough is enough. Some of the states have even stopped the "Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Permits" I have been told. I am going to stop now as my blood pressure is rising. See ya and Good fishing.......if you can afford it.
Members OneLung Posted January 23, 2012 Members Posted January 23, 2012 Missouri is just as bad. I moved to Stockton in July 2011. I misplaced my birth certificate and had to get it replaced before I could get a MO license. CA said it would take 6-8 weeks and I wasn't going to wait that long to go fishing, so I bought an out-of-state fishing license; $48.00 for a license that exires in Feb 2012. Geeezzz. Then when I finally got my birth certificate, it cost me another $150 to title the boat, motor and trailer. In Arizona, a permenent plate for the trailer is only $13.00. I didn't have to title the boat becuase it's under 15' (14' 11") and the motor is personal property. Here you have to title everything. I just wrote another check for $112 today to title/license the Hobie Kayak trailer I just bought. Sales tax is a full 8% if you live inside the city of Stockton.
powerdive Posted January 24, 2012 Posted January 24, 2012 Yes, in my opinion it's too much. For a number of reasons, standard property tax is lower here than in many other states, which is nice--but they get it back (and then some) with a thousand other taxes and off-the-wall permits that don't exist elsewhere. Geez, until recently you even had to register your freakin' trolling motor!
Members charliehorsejigs Posted January 24, 2012 Author Members Posted January 24, 2012 I have to agree with you OneLung, the prices to license boats, motors, and trailers is ridiculous. but welcome to the wonderful world of the Missouri Department of Revenue. The fees they get do not even go to the Missouri Department of Conservation but to the State of Missouri. You would think part of the money would at least go to where the boats are used. And as for the high out of state license fees, ours used to be reasonable until our neighboring states started jacking up their rates to our sportsmen. Then Missouri started raising their fees as payback. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be stopped. The other states need to enact a 1/8 of a cent sales tax like Missouri has to support conservation in their states. Our state has raised millions of dollars this way and has some of the finest lakes and streams in the country, not to mention the great conservation programs aimed at kids.
Members OneLung Posted January 25, 2012 Members Posted January 25, 2012 Don't get me wrong. After being born, raised and living most of my life in the desert SouthWest, moving to Stockton, MO for an avid fisherman like myself is akin to dying and waking up in heaven. I just have to keep in mind that I am in a Red section of a solidly Blue state and, traditionally, Blue politicians and their bureaucrat minions are hell-bent on squeezing every penny out of me they possibly can. Often using the guise of security, safety and progress. i recently bought a Hobie Pro Angler fishing kayak This thing is so freakin cool, I'm thinking about selling my conventional bass-boat. And it doesn't have to be registered because it's leg-powered. Hobie calls it a "mirage" drive. I call it a "Flintstone" drive.
Stockton Lake Guide Service Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 I was told that they would not be rebuilding the fishing dock. But who knows if anyone will change their mind. Bob Bennett Stockton Lake Guide Service 417-637-BASS"Our Service is Crappie" ”And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms….The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants” ~Thomas Jefferson
Feathers and Fins Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 Guys we are lucky here.. I was recently looking back to Cali and what it would cost me to fish there today as a resident. Resident Sport Fishing $44.85 Required for a resident 16 years of age or older to take fish, mollusks, crustaceans, invertebrates, amphibians or reptile in inland or ocean waters. Additional validations and report cards are required for certain species and areas. Ocean Enhancement Validation $5.14 Required for all persons taking fish in ocean waters south of Point Arguello (Santa Barbara County). An Ocean Enhancement Validation is not required when fishing under the authority of a One or Two-Day Sport Fishing License. Second Rod Validation $13.78 Required for all persons taking fish with two rods or lines in inland waters, except for waters in which only artificial lures or barbless hooks may be used. Colorado River Validation $3.09 Required for all persons taking fish from a boat or other floating device on the Colorado River or adjacent waters forming the California-Arizona border. Spiny Lobster Report Card $9.21 Required for all persons taking spiny lobster including persons who are not required to have a sport fishing license, such as persons who are under 16 years of age, persons who are fishing from a public pier and persons who are fishing on free fishing days. $76.07 is the final total. What is insane about that is I use to pay a whopping $28.00 when I lived there; there was no 2 rod stamp, lobster stamp, Colorado stamp. Talk about sticking to someone. I wish we as sportsmen both resident and non-resident had some way to influence the states to simply make the fee’s the same for res and nonres. Honestly if this was anything but hunting and fishing the States AG’s would undoubtedly be going after a business for Price Gouging. Because that is what it is.
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