Feathers and Fins Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 All too often I hear from anglers how bad the stripers are in a lake on other fish specifically Bass anglers. I have read numerous studies related to this myth and suggest anyone who believes they are impacting the bass in the lake read the findings. You will quickly learn not only are they not having a negative impact on bass but a positive impact. Here is some literature you will want to read if you do not believe me. Bailey, W. M., 1976. An Evaluation of Striped Bass Introductions in the Southeastern United States. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Administrative Report. 21p Cheek, T. E., M. J. Van Den Avyle and C. C. Coutant. 1985. Influence of water quality on distribution of striped bass in a Tennessee River impoundment. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 114:76-76. Clawson, P. A., J. E. Derwort, W. F. Foris, T. J. Leonard and R. E. Lewis. 1989. Lake Norman maintenance monitoring program: 1988 summary (draft report). Duke Power Co., Huntsville, N. C. 156 pp. Duda, M. D., V. L. Wise, W. Testerman, S. J. Bissell, A. Lanier, T. Norford. 2000. Responsive Management – Arkansas Resident Anglers and Non-Resident Anglers Awareness of and Attitudes Toward Fishing in Arkansas. Responsive Management National Office, 130 Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 153pp. Fielder, Carolyn and Ron Moore 1995-1999. Arkansas Tournament Information Program – Annual Reports from Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. No. 2 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205 Filipek, Steven P. (1985). Size and age structure of a single school of striped bass in Lake Greeson, Arkansas. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies 39: 13-18. Gustaveson, Wayne A., B.L. Bonebrake, S.J. Scott, and J.E. Johnson 1985. Lake Powell Fisheries Investigations. Publication No. 86-8.Utah Dept. of Nat. Res. 1596 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Harper, Jack L. and H.E. Namminga (1986) Oklahoma Dept. of Wildlife Cons. P.O. Box 53465 Oklahoma City, OK 73152. Pages 156-165 in G.E. Hall and M.J. Van Den Avyle, editors. Reservoir Management Strategies for the 80’s. Reservoir Committee, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland 1986. Jenkins 1979. Pages 123-134 in Henry Clipper, editor. Predator-Prey Systems in Fisheries Management. Sport Fishing Institute, Washington, D.C. Messinger, Gary C. 1970. Observations on the Striped Bass in Keystone Reservoir, Oklahoma. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. fish and Wildl. Agencies 24:447-463. Persons, William R., and Richard Dreyer. (1987). Relationship between striped bass (morone saxatilits) and Threadfin shad (dorosoma petenense) in Lake Mead. Arizona Game and Fish Department, 2222 West Greenway Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85023 Silver, J.R. 1986. Comparison of Rotenone and Trawling Methodology for Estimating Threadfin Shad Populations. Pages 73-78 in G.E. Hall and M.J. Van Den Avyle editors. Reservoir Fisheries Management Strategies for the 80’s. Reservoir Committee, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland 1986. Stevens, R. E. 1984. Historical overview of striped bass culture and management. Pages 1-15 in J. P. McCraren, ed. The aquaculture of striped bass: a proceedings. Md. Sea Grant Publ. UM-SGMAP- Univ. of Md.,College Park. You will quickly learn that they have no negative impact on the bass but in fact are having a positive impact by controlling the population of Gizzard shad which in turn promotes the health of the Threadfin shad population that bass feed on. Stripers prefer soft finned fish as a forage base vs a stiff fin species. This fact has actually created a byproduct in some game and fish commissions recently to start stocking Striper in lakes with high populations of carp in order to help control the population. The benefits of stripers go even deeper then the benefits to a lakes ecology but also on the nearby communities. In one report by the AGFC it was shown stripers bring in 16 Million dollars in revenue to the state and communities surrounding those lakes. Unfortunately the hatred of Bass Anglers based on an unproven and in fact debunked Myth of them damaging bass populations has lead to them killing the Stripers at every chance. Also by spreading this myth it has created a hatred of a true sport fish and one that for many would be the fish of a lifetime. Part of the myth is generated from lakes with a constant influence of striped bass which does in time affect the quality of bass fishing in a lake, as stripers will when overpopulated eat out their natural prey the threadfin and gizzard shad. But this is not the case in most lakes. This fact actually originated from California lakes that are very small in size yet receive water from the Aqueduct system and the Colorado River. Both the two supply systems for those lakes have large striper population and in turn feed them into those lakes which then leave the stripers nowhere to go. A Two to Five thousand acre lake constantly being fed stripers will quickly find itself with predator fish needing to eat to live and they will then turn to eating whatever food source is available as anyone could determine on their own without need of five hundred studies. Not only is the Striped bass beneficial to the lakes they are in but also to the economy, they provide the opportunity for many to catch a fish of a lifetime. Luckily in the Ozarks our lakes stripers have yet to be proven to be breeding in the lakes, combined with careful management practices, very large lakes and healthy populations of shad we do not have this problem. Fact is we have the benefit of Stripers helping to keep our lakes healthy. So in closing when and if you hear this myth discussed point the people to the facts. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beaver-Lake-Arkansas-Fishing-Report/745541178798856
Bill Butts Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 This is great supportive information, just as you state. Thanks for sharing. I've read about the postive affects for years, which is a win win for fishermen who prefer either or both species. About 3 years ago in a discussion with one of Arkansas' fisheries biologists, I was asked to take any opportunity to reinforce these facts with fellow fishermen, and to provide positive feedback to the AGFC at any opportunity. Apparently, they must get a lot of negative feedback based on ignorance of the facts. Interestingly, several years back, I learned about some die hard bass tourney guys from southern MO who fished a tournament on Beaver about this time of year. In their efforts to catch LMB in the tourney, they kept hooking Stripers on their suspended stick baits. Based on that one trip, they gave up on LMB and tournaments and began pursuing Stripers from that point forward. Bill Butts Springfield MO "So many fish, so little time"
Feathers and Fins Posted March 12, 2012 Author Posted March 12, 2012 Bill, stripers tend to convert bass anglers to the dark side. If one was to scale down in line class it would convert even more. I seldom go over 12lbs mono or floro, it increases the fight and the amount of bites. I have even gone down as low as 4lbs. You want to talk about a fight and converting people that will do it in a hurry. Give the fish all the advantages and it really becomes addictive. When a fish can scream off 100 yards of line at a time and fight you for 20 to 30 minutes it quickly gets people hooked. I am sure they get alot of negative feedback its part myth part observations from reading magazines and articles on the net about Cali lakes. Im sorry but our lakes are far diffrent. Managing lakes for trophy stripers is unheard of in many places yet our lakes are healthy enough to do it and the benifits are seen daily. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beaver-Lake-Arkansas-Fishing-Report/745541178798856
Members jbeenemd Posted April 21, 2012 Members Posted April 21, 2012 Just a wild thought, but since they are supposed to eat rough fish, has anyone proposed releasing large numbers of of these fish in the Mississippi River to help combat the Asian Carp? Jackie
Feathers and Fins Posted April 21, 2012 Author Posted April 21, 2012 No Clue if they do yet, there are stripers in the Mississippi, Also they do use them for carp control in some lakes already, and NO SUPPOSED about it. One of my favorite baits for Striper is Suckers. Its called Sucker Punching and is very effective on big stripers especially. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beaver-Lake-Arkansas-Fishing-Report/745541178798856
Samkam1 Posted April 21, 2012 Posted April 21, 2012 where you find your suckers this time of year Scott?
Addicted to Creeks Posted April 21, 2012 Posted April 21, 2012 I would love to catch a big striper out of the Miss. Any idea how far north they are. Fish always lose by being "got in and dressed." It is best to weigh them while they are in the water. The only really large one I ever caught got away with my leader when I first struck him. He weighed ten pounds. —Charles Dudley Warner
Feathers and Fins Posted April 22, 2012 Author Posted April 22, 2012 Sam I have a couple creeks that have them year round and easy to find. But because of that i dont tell they are perfect 6 to 10 inchers Creeks. I have heard reports as far as St Louis But the majority seem to be from Where the Arkansas River dumps in. There is a report from of tagged fish from the lower Ill below Tenkiller and 4 day later recaptured in Louisiana. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beaver-Lake-Arkansas-Fishing-Report/745541178798856
Samkam1 Posted April 22, 2012 Posted April 22, 2012 nice- will check the creeks and see what we can find. Have a 10 day expedition coming up in a coulpe weeks - can't wait! Maybe we will see you down there. SK
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