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I started at the dam at 7:30 a.m and fished my way to the Rock Hole using a #16 olive woolly Bugger, and had four good size 13" fish. The fish was holding at med depth and not very active. As I approached the rock hole the Blue wing hatch started. Clouds of BEO were raising in the shallow flats just above rock hole. The fish was on the top sipping everywhere. I changed to a cdc #24 BWO pattern and spent the next hour and half having a ball catching fish. Standing at the head of the chute and making short drifts down the chute into the hole. I also caught fish in the tail of the hole and down the flat at the end of the hole.

When things settled down there w worked my on up into the shallow flat water and picked up more fish on the same pattern. I got to the next hole the fish were settled in laying on the bottom for the most part. I put on a 1/180 egg pattern and had some looks and turn aways. the only way I caught fish was let it settle to the bottom and set for a few seconds and they would pick it up. I was using 7x Orvis Mirage Fluorocarbon tippet.

On the way back down river I used the black/Blue #18 crackle back and only hooker up with 3 fish. Once back at the deep water above the dam I changed to a #14 black woolly bugger and drifted it down then short stripped it back over the grass and hooked up with 7 fish. At about 1:30 P.M the sun was high and the temp was at 85 degrees and the fish was getting lock down. All in all the fishing was great but you had to match the hatch to the size and color, and have a good presentation.

On my way through the park this morning I noticed the BWO hatch was on again just below the 119 bridge. That is the bait area and not one angler was fishing it. I have a bitter sweet thing to mention also. Yesterday morning their were 4 lunker brown trout placed on the board at the lodge. and I counted for the last month their are over 25 on the board most taken on jigs and dough baits.This is great for the park anglers and bad for the Blue Ribbon area and the fly anglers below the park. O Well that's the way things are and not likely to change anytime soon. :yuush:

I took my click counter with me yesterday. and when I got to the rig the number was 42 fish. Not a bad day anywhere. :have-a-nice-day:


Take a Child Fishing they are the future of the sport.


Sounds like a really great day idyl. Those browns just make my stomach turn.

Fish always lose by being "got in and dressed." It is best to weigh them while they are in the water. The only really large one I ever caught got away with my leader when I first struck him. He weighed ten pounds.

—Charles Dudley Warner


I also fished the park and the blue ribbon area on the 13th, a great day for sure caught more fish than I could count. Beautiful day in the ozarks!

Caught a 19" 3.5+lb rainbow up at blue hole, and took a measurement and let him go. Stopped by the hatchery building at picked up a released lunker patch, I really want to get all four and then the centerpiece, i think that would be a neat display to have, and i really think that I can do it this year. I just wish more people would release fish in the park. I could really care less about the patch but I thought I would participate to show that it is a valuable program to have. Hope to tell as many people I can about the program.

Fished outside the park at the cable down to tanvat. Picked up quite a few fish on a sculpin pattern, egg pattern, and soft hackles. Caught and released a grgeous 3.5lb brown right below the cable and broke off the 7+lb that lives up in the roots. Really did well and almost too well so switched to some more "natural" patterns because the eggs were just flat out tearing em up. Glad to see some large browns still around but nothing like it has been like in past years. Its really dissappointing. I guess we can only control ourselves and not others but I try to educate as many people that I can about letting them go. As we have seen that resource is easily depleted.


Last weekend my brother caught a nice 18+ inch brown down by the cabin outside of the park.

What's up with the browns being so high up so early this year? Seems odd. Hope somebody at mdc would consider a shock/relocate program if this keeps up (yeah right).


That's the stupidest crock of anthropomorphic BS I ever heard. How lame. Do people actualy think this way?

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974


I think the browns dont stand a chance, went again today and caught another lunker brown midway between the wire and tanvat and released her unharmed That water is so low and clear that those browns stick out like a sore thumb. I think personally that browns seem to hold their position alot more than rainbows and generally are less skittish you can literally drift your fly right across their face.

I have noticed a major issue in the blue ribbon area. The brown i caught had an eye out and a big hole on top of her head. I also noticed that alot of other browns and good sized rainbows that i caught and saw also had major chunks taken out of them. I havent seen this in years past this badly. Im talking at least 30 fish with issues. I thought it looked like gig marks or snagging marks. It could very well be a predator but its a major problem and needs to be addressed. Unbelievable!

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