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Mr. Lilley,

First of all thanks for the great forum that you have started it is a real asset to folks like myself that dont live in the area but are in need of some accurate information. I was wondering the best techniques for possibally catching a few good browns this weekend. I would prefer to not use bait. Any suggestions on lures and/or locations would be greatly appriciated.

Thank you for your time


  • Root Admin

Medium to large floating stick baits thrown at night either from a boat or wading. Wading- below the dam down to Lookout is accessable. From a boat- from Lookout down to our place. You have a fairly good chance to hang a big one.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Members

Phil, can you tell me more about stick bait fishing for trout? I use stick baits all the time for bass, love the suspending Rogue bite at LOZ in the spring. My questions....

What lures and lure colors?

What size?

Use stock hooks, or do you replace? Red? Yes....bass trick....

What kind of line, and how big? Assume fluorocarbon....right?

Floating or suspending stick baits?

Where best to fish? Open water? Sticks and rocks? Bank vs. middle of stream?

Best time to fish? You mentioned night fishing, but I'm not ready for that.

Is this better when the water is running, or when still?

What time of year, or does that matter?

  • Root Admin

I have an article on using stick baits for browns called Big Baits- look under the article section under Taneycomo. I think most of your questions will be answered. If not- check back.

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  • Root Admin

No hook restriction. I have no experience using red hooks. Patterns - there's no bad pattern. I've caught alot of browns on brown, rainbow, shad, gold, clown... many others. I use mainly rapala but others use rogues and pointers.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Root Admin

Suspending for the most part. But floating rather than sinking.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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