Root Admin Phil Lilley Posted July 3, 2012 Root Admin Posted July 3, 2012 Please lend us a hand! ______________________________________________ It is time for people that have ideas on how Conclave should be run to step up and take on a roll. Call Michael Ames (870 2432637 cell, ) or Les Jackson (817 253-0943 cell, about the part you would like to play in the 2012 or the 2013 Conclave. Areas where we could use volunteers: 2013 Programs Chair An escort for our visiting program teachers so they can be in the right location and the right time, that the right equipment is there waiting for them. (requires about 10 minutes every 2 hours, mostly on Friday) We need someone to help with collecting items for the raffles and auctions in 2013, or if you have idea for 2012 contact Frank Reid at . Someone to fill 4 or 5 coolers each day with ice and/or water bottles located in casting program areas and the "C Building". This requires 30 minutes on Friday and Sat. mornings. Someone to make sure the fairgrounds restrooms stay presentable. Requires checking them every 2 - 4 hours, empty trash can if necessary. The fairgrounds custodian comes and mops and empties the trash, puts in new hand towel rolls, etc. on Friday evening. Someone to clean the 2 BBQ grills on Friday and return them to their respective local owners. Grill cleaning tools are already on the grill's trailer. A shovel is needed to remove the ash. I usually have done this job on a corner of the fairgrounds. It takes about 2 hours to do everything. You need a vehicle with a 2" ball. We need people to work the "refreshment stand" each night. Thurs evening from 5pm - 9pm during the 'Welcome Dinner'. We need a new team to take over the casting games. The Ozark Fly Fishers (Steve Antonic & Bob Temper & Crew) have generously handled the games for years and we need a Club to step up and give them a well deserved rest. We will need a Club to volunteer to cook the Thursday night diner in 2013. Who wants to showcase their outdoor grilling talents to 400 hungry folks _________________________________________________________Attention Club Presidents Please take a moment to send me an email to confirm we have the correct person listed as Club President. If you are a past President from 2010 or 2011 and no longer serve your club in that capacity, forward this email to the appropriate individual, and please copy me on that email so that I can update our database. _________________________________________________________2012 Voting Ballot for Election of Officers/Board Members The purpose of this email is to make sure every SOC member has a chance to vote for the SOC Board of Director positions open for election in 2012. To do this each member needs to have a Voting Ballot. Below you will find a voting ballot for the SOC Board of Director positions for this year. Everyone who is a FFF Southern Council member can vote in this election. If you know of a club member who does not have email, please furnish them a hardcopy. The 2012 Board Of Directors Voting Ballot can be found below. If they have email and have not received a voting ballot it is because they have not signed up with our Constant Contact system. Please encourage your fellow members to sign up to receive our communications. The benefits are that members have access to voting ballots will be able to stay informed of what's happening within the SOC and how it might affect them . know when volunteer opportunities exist that they may want to participate in. receive the Conclave Registration form receive updates on Conclave be able to be involved in surveys to learn what changes need to be made. Constant Contact policies will not allow us to add them, they must add themselves. I have included detailed instructions below. For those who use the internet regularly it is a simple sign up by just following the prompts, however some people are not regular internet users and the process is confusing. To increase the number of SOC members who can receive the SOC emails, please forward the message below on to your club's membership or to anyone who you think might be interest in fly fishing activities. Thank you! ____________________________________________________ Please forward the text following the * to anyone you feel has an interest in fly fishing or conservation. Many of our Southern Council members have signed up to receive the Council's communication via email....but many haven't. We want to keep everyone informed so that as a strong, united group we can protect the common interests that we share concerning "all things fly fishing". Whether that is letting you know about a Club that is about to have a big fly tying event, or if one of the fisheries in the Council needs your voice to help make it a better place for you and the rest of us to enjoy. The benefits are that you will have access to voting ballots will be able to stay informed of what's happening within the SOC and how it might affect you . know when volunteer opportunities exist that you may want to participate in. receive the Conclave Registration form receive updates on Conclave be able to be involved in surveys to learn what changes need to be made. This form of email communication is what has taken the place of our Long Casts newsletter that you received in the mail in years past. That method of delivery was very expensive, $6,000 per year. This method allows that money to be spent on conservation efforts and fly fishing related charities right here in your Council. When signing up to receive the Southern Council emails, please be assured that none of your private information will ever be shared with another party. You may choose to unsubscribe at any time. 1. While connected to internet, open your browser, Internet Explorer or any other, click this: and that will open the home page of the Southern Council website. If that didn't work type into your address bar usually located at the top of the screen. 2. On that page, at the top of the right hand side, you'll see a white block that says "Sign up for our Newsletter" . Underneath this text you'll see an empty rectangular box. Place your cursor in the box and left click your mouse button, type in your email address. 3. Click on the go button. This will take you to the registration form page. 4. In the empty rectangular box beside "Confirm your email address", re-enter your email address. We want to make sure you didn't make a spelling error. 5. Under "Preferred email format" You will see that HTML has already been selected for you with a dot in the circle. This means that you would like to receive pictures in our emails. If you don't want to receive pictures, choose Text by clicking on the empty circle beside the word Text. 6. Under "Your Information", fill out the requested information in the empty rectangular box beside the words. Do this by clicking on the box and then typing the requested information. 7. At the bottom of this form on the left hand side you will see the words "Save Profile Changes" in a light blue rectangular box. Click on that box. 8. You will see a "Thank you!" and "Please check your email". * *If you failed to fill out any of the required information, the form will come back up with a note written in red "Please correct errors on the indicated fields for a successful submission". If you receive this note, check the boxes where you have entered the information. You will see a small note in red that says, "This item is required." Simply fill in the missing or incorrect information in and hit the "Save Profile Changes" button at the bottom left. 9. Check your inbox for an email from FFF Southern Council. This should arrive within a few minutes. When you open it, you will see this sentence, "You're receiving this email because of your relationship with the FFF Southern Council. Please confirm your continued interest in receiving email from us."Click on the word "confirm". You will see the Southern Council's Grey Ghost logo and Thank you! Congratulations, you have successfully signed up with the Southern Council's communication!! Pass this on to all of your fly fishing friends and encourage them to do likewise. * End of SOC request for all members to sign up to receive our emails. __________________________________________________ Voting Ballot This notice is to inform you that Bylaw changes (see below) warrant the election of certain FFF Southern Council Executive Board Member/ Officer positions. Due to the amendments, which passed early in 2010, our Policies and Procedures no longer allow proxy voting. All members may cast their vote via email or US Post starting July 7th , 2012 and ending July 17th , 2012. Club Presidents please forward this to all your club members that are currently FFF members. This same letter has been sent out to all members who have joined the Southern Council's email communications so some members will receive this notice from Presidents forwarding it and from the SOC directly. Please vote only once, your membership number will be required. Those with email access can "cut & paste" the ballot into a new email and mark their ballot accordingly or 'edit' this email. Those without email access need to obtain a hardcopy from a club member or request one to be mailed from Chris Jackson, Managing Director. You find my contact information below. The hardcopy may be mailed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BALLOT ELECTION OF OFFICERS/BOARD MEMBERS FOR 2012 2012 Slate of Officers: You may vote "Yes" , "No" or "Abstain" for each choice. Your name & membership number is required. Name: _____________________________________________ FFF membership number:____________________________ Position: VP Education [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Abstain Larry Wegmann - Missouri OR Unopposed Position: President [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Abstain Michael Ames - Arkansas OR Unopposed Position: Board Member [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Abstain Kurt Moomau - Kansas OR Unopposed Position: Board Member [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Abstain Michael Schrader (Arkansas) OR [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Abstain Unopposed Please return your ballot by July 17th , 2012 via email to: , or via US postal address: FFF Southern Council Managing Director 205 River Valley Trail Norfork, AR 72658 ____________________________________________________ Update on other Board of Director changes. VP of Membership Michael Kyle needed to leave the Board because of career demands. To fill that position via appointment, (*as allowed by the bylaws) current VP of Dev. Howard Malpass will move to VP of Membership, this will compliment Howard's Chairman of Membership position on the FFF National Board. Current Board Member at Large Terry Beeson will move into the VP of Dev position, via appointment. (*as allowed by the bylaws) To fill that Terry Beeson's vacancy, Victoria Johnson of MMFF has volunteered to be appointed (*as allowed by the bylaws) into the vacant Board Member at Large position. {ARTICLE VI - BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Section 13, *FULL PARAGRAPH} VACANCIES. "Any vacancy in the Council Board caused by death, resignation, removal, increase of number of Directors, or any other cause, shall be filled by appointment from the President with the Advice and Consent of the Council Board for the unexpired portion of the term." ____________________________________________________ Nominations for Annual Awards Nominations of Annual Award categories - Don't wait until the last minute! Submit the names of those members or Clubs that have done those special deeds or put in that extra effort this last year. The deadline is July 14th . You can find guidelines and necessary qualifications for nominees at . Nominations will be accepted until July 14th. Send them to: Chris Jackson Managing Director FFF Southern ___________________________________________________ 2012 Conclave and Fly Fishing Fair Pre-registration will open on August 5th ! Make plans to attend! Those boys from the backwoods of Tennessee, "The Bubba's" will be handling our Thursday night Welcome Dinner! Food and entertainment at the same time. Dave and Emily Whitlock will be talking about "Fly Fishing the Texas Hill Country" on Sat evening just before the start of the live auction. A rumor of FREE Pizza &FREE thirst quenching beverages before the Friday night Live Auction has been heard! Great Programs: Duane Hada Program - Water color class Changes in casting certification program with Chuck Easterling-Thurs. Games to play with your Fly Rod - Chuck Easterling- Fri CCI Continuing Education - Chuck & Pete- Thurs Capt. Pete Greennan- 2 Saltwater programs- Fri "Trout to Tarpon - Making the Transition" on a casting field. 2 hours. This program helps anglers understand the differences between big saltwater fish and fresh water trout fishing. It covers tackle, techniques and tactics. Students should bring a 10wt. to 12wt, rod. They will learn the casts needed, the knots and how to hook, fight and release big game fish. "Flyfishing the Mangrove Coast" , a power point / discussion. 2 hours Attendees will learn how and when to fish the southwest coast of Florida. The program covers seasons, equipment, logistic information, accommodations and more all designed to prepare them for a terrific DIY fishing adventure. Each should bring a pad and pencil to jot down fly patterns, boat ramp locations, inexpensive hotels, camp sites, kayak rentals, guides and more. Casting class - can be counted as a CCI continuing ed. Class but the class will not be limited to CCI's On stream Smallmouth Program: Ken Richards - Thurs 6 participants Intermediate casters Must have own equipment: Preferably 6-weight rod, but a 5 weight will do WF floating line If possible short sink-tip line 0X-2X leader/tippet Waders or you may want to wet wade Hat and polarized sunglasses Camera Flies will be provided. Bring your own if you have a favorite pattern. For the lucky six, this class will give you an understanding of the habitat and food sources of our Ozark Smallmouth Bass and the techniques how to catch them with the Ken and Kevin from Just Fishin' Guides. We will be fishing on the world famous Crooked Creek for our "Natural State" native fish. "Smallies" can be aerialists and fight all the way to the net. Don't get them confused with trout, as even the smallest are die-hard fighters. Program on the Blue Damsel/Skwala hatch in Montana - Steve Hollensend Mike Huffman with BassPro on fly fishing for bass. [*]Fishing the Dry Fly in the Ozarks - George Peters [*]Making a wooden handle for a fly rod demo with working lathe - Howard Ebmeir Norm Crisp will do 4 programs: [*]Fishing with Midges [*]Traveling and Trout Fishing [*]I made the cast, now what? [*]Fly Fishing Strategies [*]Fly Fishing For Crappies: A Seasonal Approach - Terry & Roxanne Wilson [*]Fly Fishing from the Kayak - Jerry Hamon [*]North Texas smallwater guide and fly fisherman Jerry Hamon will teach you both the challenges and rewards of fly fishing from a kayak. In this presentation you will learn how to pick the proper kayak based on the type of waters you like to fish, how to outfit the kayak for fishing once you have it, proper kayak safety and the equipment needed to keep you safe, how to adjust your cast to make it work from a seated position in a kayak, and lastly and most importantly how to catch bigger and more fish from a kayak. [*]Tarpon - FL Panhandle - Cpt. Hugh Smith [*]Reading the water seminar - Lori Sloas [*]Seven Simple Steps to Help You Catch Fish - on the water- Lori Sloas [*]Beginning casting for Ladies - Diane Blair [*]Intermediate casting for Ladies - Diane Blair [*]Jim Penrod - Two-handed casting class. [*]Intermediate Casting Class - improving your distance casting Jim Penrod - [*]Advanced Casting class - casting in the wind from any direction - Jim Penrod [*]Building your own fly rod - Maryanne Townsend [*]Brian Wise - Fishing Videography [*]Brian Wise - Overview of the Norfork River in MO [*]Brian Wise - Catching the Big Browns in the Norfork River in MO [*]John Berry - Nymphing [*]Tenkara and Old fly fishing styles in Europe - Misako Ishimura [*]Tenkara - Japanese Tenkara Fishers- Misako Ishimura [*]Tenkara how to cast and fish - Misako Ishimura _______________________________________________________ Kayak Raffle The deadline on the purchase of Diablo Kayak raffle tickets is August 30th. Remember we've extended an 'consignment' type offer to Clubs. Order a set of 25 tickets and pay the SOC for them AFTER you sell them! Incentive rewards are your to win. You must return the tickets or the funds by August 30th. This year the FFF Southern Council will be raffling a Diablo PaddleSports stand-up fishing kayak. Buy raffle tickets and get cool stuff! Each Clubwill be entered into a contest to see who can purchase the most tickets! As the Club's ticket count goes up they will be able to select great fly gear to use as Club auction or raffle items. Clubs can win multiple items, the rewards are unlimited! Take tickets to your local fly shop and ask them to help your Club in this contest. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Only $5 per ticket! Rewards for clubs ~ Each club that buys a certain quota of tickets by August 30th , 2012 will qualify for one or more of the following: [*]25 tickets - receive an ECHO SOLO fly line [*]35 tickets - receive an ECHO SOLO fly reel [*]50 tickets - select one of the following fly rods -- Rise Fishing CO. Green Series or a TFO Lefty Kreh Signature Series (choice of TFO rod wt) [*]75 tickets - receive a ECHO ION fly reel model ION 45 or ION67 [*]100 tickets - receive a TFO BVK fly reel(choice of size) [*]125 tickets - receive a TFO BVK fly rod, reel and case (choice of size) This is a $600 retail combination! To clarify: If your Club purchases 60 tickets, the Club would have it's choice of one -- Rise Fishing CO. Green Series or a TFO Lefty Kreh Signature Series (choice of TFO rod wt) Or, The 60 tickets could be used to select one ECHO SOLO fly reel , and one ECHO SOLO fly line To order your raffle tickets contact: Les Jackson; or 817 253-0943 Chris Jackson; or 870 499-3056 The craft is shown with OPTIONAL equipment which is NOT part of the raffle. ________________________________________________________ Chris Jackson Managing Director FFF Southern Council (870) 499-3056
Brian Wise Posted July 9, 2012 Posted July 9, 2012 I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to doing the Videography programs.....they are going to be cool. My Youtube Channel
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