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Lord it felt good to be back on the lake.

I hit the 12 bridge islands at 06:00 this morning and tried for some Walleye, only manged to catch a few Kentucks and Blacks, I got bored with that and decided to go check on some of my goose spots for the opener a few weeks away and found plenty of material for Jerky and Sausage :)

Hit Rocky branch and there were several boats in the area so I decided to troll around and see what I could find. Appears my training of the stripers has paid off they were very happy to bite some rapalas trolled at 22fow managed 6 of them, nothing big mind you just 12 to 15pnds, Picked up some nice hybrids and a couple little whites as well as 3 short walleye and one nice 5lb kitty kittty. Kitty was invited home for dinner tonight.

Not a bad day I was off the water by 11:30 just as the crowds started showing up. The magic number for fish is 15 to 25 fow with the majority at 22fow. I was marking stripers in 30 to 35 fow but didnt bother to get bait yesterday to mess with them. If you want cats they are certainly in the area, I was running in 4 to 7 fow looking for hazards come duck season and kept spooking cats, nothing monsterous but perfect table size 3 to 7 pounds max over just about any mud or pea gravel.

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