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  • Root Admin

I fished below the dam about three hours each on Wednesday and Thursday this week and it was tough. In the morning on Wednesday I tried an Olive Wooley Booger below the gravel bar and a Yellow Crackleback with no strikes. I like to fish Soft Hackles so I tried a Pheasant Tail at the rebar hole also with no strikes. That afternoon about 3:00 I returned just as they started generating with one unit. I fished above the #1 Outlet with the Soft Hackle and caught an 18 inch Rainbow and a 13 inch Brown in about fifteen minutes before quitting. I didn't see many fish caught so I felt good about the two I landed. On Thursday I joined the crowd and fished with a Zebra Midge and caught two Rainbows in the morning, both about 12 inches. I saw a 25 inch Brown caught on a scud, and unfortunately it was killed, but I don't think it had eggs. That afternoon I couldn't get a strike with the Midge and quit about 4:00 PM. As near as I could tell I was the only one that caught a fish on anything other than a scud or midge.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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