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It was my understanding that in the trout parks you could be given a ticket for fishing with 4 or 5 fish in you possession, even if you intended to release. I never saw it brought to a test, but I suppose that one should quit putting fish on the stringer at 3 today.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

  • Root Admin

Trout Parks are a different animal. You can't fish after you have caught and possessed (stringered/processed) a limit of trout.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Root Admin

Are we labeling all wildlife or just wildlife given? I do not understand that paragraph.

If you caught the fish, your name, address and permit # goes on the ziplock bag, regardless of where the baggie ends up.

If a person, who does not fish say, is given crappie, he or she cannot possess more than his or her possession limit of 60.

I have to confess - I've never written anything on a ziplock bag except the date... I need to change that practice.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Trout Parks are a different animal. You can't fish after you have caught and possessed (stringered/processed) a limit of trout.

Are the other waters different? I would think that when culling if you're holding a fish and have a limit you would be in violation anywhere? Cutting it thin I know, but it is an interesting question.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

  • Root Admin

No. Only trout parks because that is all there is - trout. Other waters have all kinds of fish. You can keep fishing and catch other species. I guess if you caught every game species in the lake in one day, you'd have to quit... but that would be a trick!

Culling if a different subject altogether.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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