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Since I took a tumble in the PD parking lot and dislocated my ankle and broke my leg I will be out of service for some time. In order for me to entertain myself at home I was wondering if anyone uses the "practice" flyrods that are sold. I know Lefty sells one as well as Feathercraft. I've been thinking about getting one just to give me something to do as well as hone my skills a little, if they are worth it.

Any thoughts?

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That's a good question. I don't really know, but the idea isn't new. Joan Wulff had one out decades ago and I never heard or read any negatives about it. I think the one thing that keeps them low key is that most people would rather go outside and use the real thing. In your case it might well keep your timing intact, or improve it if you're like me.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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