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SO, I'm a newbe here. I'm located in San Diego and fish the White River as often as possible. I have a house on the south coast of Oregon and fish all of the coastal rivers up there. I was born on the Mountain Fork River near Broken Bow, OK, so my fly fishing days started with fishing smallmouth, and fish that came up from the Red RIver. White bass were seasonal there until they started building dams, starting with Denison Dam, at Lake Texhoma. I left long before the striper boom. Still have kinfolks in the Ozarks and border lands between OK and AR. Mothers grandparants are from Southern MO around Branson. Shirtsleeve Kinfolk own His Place at Carter and I fished the White there before the Dam was built. Hey, sounding too old here!!!! All I want to do is fish while I can!!!!

Hello Bill!!!





  • Root Admin

My family is from Denison- cut my teeth trolling for sandies with my grandpa on Texoma. Wish the stripers would come up to Denison dam again some spring- that's fun!


Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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