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Caught this beaut on Sunday. Not a big fish by any means, but the markings on it were unique. Looked like two-face from the Batman movies. Dark on the one side and normal on the other. I guess I could have gotten a better pic of the fish! Had a great day catching smallies and nothing else. Not even one google-eye, which for me is rare. The water looked good on Big Sugar since I hadn't seen it since last summer when it was bone dry. I do think however the fishing will be tough for sometime on this creek. I only caught 7 total and the one in the pic was probably the biggest. Fun times though. Caught em all with a lizard and a crank. Oh yea, almost forgot, no more yard sales at the bridge. :(



"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


Ollie- is that where the old Craig O'Lee bridge was, hard to tell from the angle of the picture?

Follow me on Twitter @DazeGlory


Wow, looks like those trees were strategically placed there by mother nature. Yeah, looking at water gauges. it seems a bit swift but that's all for the better. Nice smallie. The oddest looking coloring.


Nice fish Ollie, but a little funky looking. :have-a-nice-day: I'm glad you were able to get out and fish.

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Yes Buzz, I told you I would rub it in! Yes, that is the bridge. I have lots of personal memories there in a canoe and yak. Like a beast that needed taming when it was running high. Caught many a nice smallie there as well. I wanted to hit the pond, but this was closer. The fishing was ok, but the one in the pic has a normal color on the other side of its cheek and the black on the other side. I have seen darker colored smallies, but nothing like this one. Just cool I thought.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


Im in total shock that Craig O'Lea is gone.

WTH, its so screwed up that it took me 5 views to figure out what side of the creek you were standing when you took the pic.

Im totally disappointed, but I guess it needed an upgrade.

Do you think they will allow access to load and unload there, now that its wider on the banks?


I think they will make it tough on you if you load and unload there, but then again if Sugar Island does it then it might be ok. I wouldn't try to leave a vehicle there anymore though. I know they have been watching the parking by locals for some time now. I think after a couple of people died there a few years back they have been wanting to change the bridge. The only thing that is on the other side is the horse camp that I know of.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


I think they will make it tough on you if you load and unload there, but then again if Sugar Island does it then it might be ok. I wouldn't try to leave a vehicle there anymore though. I know they have been watching the parking by locals for some time now. I think after a couple of people died there a few years back they have been wanting to change the bridge. The only thing that is on the other side is the horse camp that I know of.

I had no idea that people died there, that's terrible.

The only time that Ive been checked by a GW in MO was there while portaging a canoe.

He checked everything and we were the only 2 canoes on the creek.

It was 2 years ago in late fall


Yea, one kid got sucked into the tube during higher water and drowned and I can't remember what happened to the other one except it happened around the bridge also. Not to sound racist, but they were both Mexican kids. It is what it is. It will be interesting to see how they handle people wanting to load and unload there. I know Ed down at Sugar Island uses it for small floats as a starting point so we shall see.

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!


Yea, one kid got sucked into the tube during higher water and drowned and I can't remember what happened to the other one except it happened around the bridge also. Not to sound racist, but they were both Mexican kids. It is what it is. It will be interesting to see how they handle people wanting to load and unload there. I know Ed down at Sugar Island uses it for small floats as a starting point so we shall see.

Dude, culverts and concrete pipes scare the hell out of me.

I almost truned over bc of that issue at Craig O'Lea during low water.

I was trying to portage river right and the wind pushed me sideways.

The water was deep enough that it couldn't pulled me into that culvert.

It was a very dangerous place and I would never leave a child unattended anywhere near a culvert.

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