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I have fished unweighted emergers in the past, but over the last several years I have moved to beadhead nymphs and midges more than anything. What emergers do you fish and how do you fish them? How about a few recipes for some good effective emergers?


If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Use to fish a little with an old timer at BSSP years ago, then lost track of him for several years.Saw him again about 10 years ago at RRSP.We talked a little while we fished and then he wanted to trade a few flies.I used to tie some 1/100 oz. jigs with a little wild turkey marabou and he in turn offered a little "tan emerger" as trade.It was weighted with the smallest lead wire you could buy and used dark brown thread and a single strand of tan embroiderey thread as the body.I have caught a lot of nice fish over the years on those jigs like I traded him but that little emerger has accounted for several double digit fish in the years since our meeting.Have since not seen him in a long time;seems his name was Clint Shaw.Easy to tie and fishes really well on flourocarbon;wrap a lead base and secure the lead withe the dark brown thread.Tie a single strand of the emb.floss at the rear of the hook and wrap forward.Finish the fly with the dark thread as the head.


Boy howdy, like mastercard, don't leave home without the fly Jeff is refering to.


Thanks Jeff. What sizes would you guys suggest? I'm guessing 18 and 20's.?Maybe 16"s? Years ago I had a great weekend fishing chocolate emergers at RRSP. It was small, probably a 20? So small you couldn't see it after it hit the water. The only way to know if you got a hit was to wait to see the white of the inside of the trouts mouth. It was a lot of fun.

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Buzz, we fish a lot in the size 20 range and as you stated it's a blast catching fish on such small flies.We fish it more in flat water or water that's not overly deep or broken as it is hard to locate it in those conditions.Wife, Susie caught a rainbow in the 10# range on this little emerger.Works great on browns too.


I'll tie some up. I'm hoping to get a day at the end of the month to do some trout fishing. I haven't decided yet, but it will be RRSP or Taney. With all of this rain Taney might not be the best bet but I'll wait and see. Thanks again

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Howdy Russ! It has been a while,you are correct on the fly.Hope to see more of the old friends on the stream as Susie and I both have retired.

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