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Lord it felt good to be back out on the lake.

Started off at 12 bridge islands and picked apart some short walleye, crappie and some nice sunfish in 27 to 35 fow deep trolling the flicker shad.

I called Doc to see how he was doing as I knew he had a couple youngsters with him today and decided to go meet up with him at Rocky Branch. Doc your a good man and seeing the one youngster hook up that gar was a highlight of my day Love seeing kids get on anything that pulls their line.

I headed down to the Dam for some striper mission work, they are there but didn't bite. In all honesty I didn't try hard crappie was on my mind! So I headed up to Beaver shores and was not disappointed but was surprised. Guys I managed 18 whites all be they about 12 to 14'' size but I was shocked to find them still there this late in the year. Also managed to put 8 ( tears of angles ) AKA Crappie in the live well and 12 shorties.

They came out of 25 to 35 fow over the flats on the #6 and 7 flicker shad. Boat traffic got unbearable by 2:30 so I packed up and headed for the barn.

There is a TON of bait at beaver shores and the islands at 12 bridge. And lots of critters eating it!



There will be a Mouth Watering Post later :)


Yep, that was my boy Jacob. (12). We were fishing crappie minnows for "anything that would bite" to give my boy and my nephew a chance at some fish. We were finding a few fish on graph but nothing was boating. I don't think the boys were keeping their bait on the bottom where the fish were like I advised. Hard to explain experience of feel and knowing what your bait is doing and where it is to novices. Even I struggle sometimes and I've been doing this for about 8yrs now. Jacob sets the hook on a 4ft needle-nose gar with an extra cheap $18-20 Walmart rod/reel combo and he's about to come unglued! I thought he was just being dramatic. Lol. He had been claiming "bite" all morning! Lol So he gets this thing up to the boat and to my shock....the length on it was nice. Jacob thinks he caught the Beaver Lake/Loch Ness Monster and before I can grab the net, it dives under the boat and breaks the line. Needless to say, the boy is all about chasing gar now. :lol: One fish busted the surface (bass) and he sprang into a cast with a T-tigged worm and said "Ooooooooo! I want me a gar!!" Lol!!!! That boy! Sometimes he is a mess. We ended up with a squeaker walleye that I will post later with a recipe, a few small bass and a white at Beaver Shores. He's right......the bait is thick and the fish are too. I graphed a lot of fish. Just not many would bite. Or at least what I had (Rapala SR9's) The squeaker.... da7yde4e.jpg My nephew's bass jygajyhu.jpg Any day fishing is better than a great day at work! Lol:p

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


Nice report. Could not go out today as planned, by the time kids are done with shopping and 36 holes of mini-golf, I was spent.

I guess I will try to head out maybe late afternoon on weekdays to avoid all that traffic!!

Thanks again for the report, it sure gives the clueless me a starting point!!

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I thought that might have been you at beaver shores today. We were in the big flat bottom with all the rod holders down the sides. We didnt do much good. Pm sent

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