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HI all, just logged in and starting to look around. I am in Stockton Missouri and fish Lake Stockton. There is good fishing on the lake but it is sometimes very hard to find. There is very little cover due to the low water and the fish seem to be scattered. If you are from this area I am looking for fishing partners. I am retired and have a pontoon in one of the Marina's. 12+ inches of snow today but looks like fishing weather tomorrow.


Welcome to the site Bill and I think you will find what you need here also. It is a great site with many helpful people and a lot of answers.

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  • Root Admin

Thanks for... finding us!

We are always looking for people from varying lakes to share information with... and to share aspects about their lakes- like Stockton. I've fished there a few times, mainly the lower lake by the dam and rip rap. I hope to get back there this spring.

Make yourself at home!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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