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  • Root Admin

Enjoyed our stay at your place as usual. My fishing report will be kind of meager because we didn't fish as much as usual this time.

Tuesday we fished from about 9AM to 11:30 and caught 3 rainbows. I fished along the gravel bar "downstream" from the rebar hole. Caught 2 on a #14 beadhead pheasant tail woollybugger and 1 on a red #18 zebra midge. We were ready to go back out in the afternoon but they started generating.

Wednesday we started about 8:45AM and quit at 11:00. I fished the same area and caught 5 rainbows. The biggest was 23 to 24 inches and really fat. All three hit the same woollybugger I had used the day before. Again we were ready to head back out about 3 PM but they started generating again.

Hope to get back soon!

Bruce Cochran

I fished upper Lake Taneycomo on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. I'm strictly a wade fisherman so am dependent on generation schedules. Both days I was only able to fish mornings as afternoon generation included three units.
On Tuesday I started at 8:30 AM below the rebar hole using a #10 Black Wooly Booger. I had several minor strikes but couldn't hook them. I decide to wait out the nibbles and it paid off with a nice 18 inch rainbow. On the next cast I landed a 14 inch rainbow. After that I had a couple of strikes, but the catching was over. I then put on a #12 Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle and had three strikes before quitting at 11:30.
On Wednesday morning I started again below the rebar area with the Wooly Booger. As the day before I had a few strikes before hooking a fish. I had one fish on that I lost, and then had a big fish break me off. I never saw him. He just took the fly, bent the rod, and took off before I could do much. I continued to fish and landed three rainbows with the largest at 13 inches. My old legs got tired so I quit at 11:00 AM.
The weather was perfect and there were relatively few fishermen. It was a fun trip. My thanks to the people at Lilley's Landing for their excellent service and accommodations.
Edward Spence

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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