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I read this as:

Number of rainbows down except below Fall Creek where they seem to be dramatically down. Number of browns, especially big browns, at one of the higher levels in the survey time frame.

Does that seem to sum it up correctly?


  • Root Admin

I believe the stocking numbers for each month were off because low water conditions messed up when trout were ready to be released- proper size and all. I think there were less numbers of rainbows stocked in the summer months and more in the winter. This month I know we got alot more than we were supposed to, but Chris Vitello said we would get the 700,000 rainbows we were supposed to for the year.

Thanks my guess.

This survey was taken the last of August and is taken that time of year each year.

They did say that most of the time there's generation on the day they take it and they always are able to boat up past the MDC boat ramp to shock fish. But this year they did not generate and the water wasn't high enough to get their shock boat past the ramp- so that skewed the numbers on big fish above Fall Creek- that makes sense. But I still believe we had less trout and smaller trout above FC than in any year since '97- guides agree. Survey agrees.

Browns- again, if they have an early migration, the numbers can change. But I think there are more and bigger browns this year than last... so I think the survey is correct.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Interesting thread going here. I fish the Rocking Chair area exclusively but for some time, have simply gone elsewhere than Taney. My experience is that the quality of fishing in the Rocking Chair has gone downhill significantly over the last couple of years. Along this line, I don't think it has much to do with fishing pressure because typically, I don't see the number of anglers there like I used to.

Yesterday, 12/13/06 I fished the Rocking Chair for about 3 hours and picked up 20 small rainbows, nothing over 12 inches and (12/14/06) almostt all appeared to be federal hatchery fish dumped in. Today, I fished the same area and picked up only 7 rainbows, again, mostly the Federal stockers. On both days, the conditions should have been excellent. Good drift, nice breeze/wind, etc.

I also talked with several guides who admitted, begrudginly, that they also were having the same results. My question is, whre are all the local hatchery trout? And why so many "dinks."

Anybody else seeing the same pattern in the Rocking Chair area? If so, any ideas as to why?


Bob A (Springfield)


Last few times I fished the lower lake there wasnt much action. I am wondering if other than Sucker are there any fish at all left in the lower lake?

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Root Admin

Like I said- the feds stocked a ton of rainbows the last couple of weeks. Numbers- I have no idea. But we are supposed to get about 25,000 this month. I think it's doubled or tripled and all are from Neosho- my guess.

I have also seen a decline in the number and quality of rainbows from Fall Creek up- including Rocking Chair. I believe it's due to lack of generation and thus lack of food and growth. It's not a short-term problem and it won't be a short-term fix.

We need rain. We need cold weather!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Root Admin

Not this month- I don't think. It's the same every December.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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