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Put in at CC late this afternoon and headed up the river. Caught lots of small whites and 3 good ones, all three females carrying eggs. Switched to crappie late in the day and caught 12 nice slabs 12-13" and a few shorts. Great way to end the week.

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Nice job catchin 'em. How far up the river were you fishing? I was on turnback this afternoon til dark, and had the worst day I've had there this year. Saw and talked to lots of others who were having luck similar to mine this afternoon. You must have been doing something very right.

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I was just above 160 bridge. I caught all the crappie of one lay down about 5ft deep in a very short time. Whites were here and there.


we also got on the crappie at the 160 bridge today. man o man that wind was whipping down the creek something fierce. we did bout the same we had 27 between my partner and i and the majority were males 11.5 to 12.5 and all but three were males in fact the three smallest were females. we started out at 39 on sons and did pretty fair there too but they're are still pretty scattered but our best quality did come off turnback. our best 10 crappie weighed in at 9.37lbs. out of 8 boats only we went to 39 and were one of two boats that went above cc the other boat went up the big sac and he beat us out by 1.5 ounces. the rest the guys fished CC grieser 3 hills and ect. third place was 4.94lbs. i think it paid off for us to find that 64 plus degree water and the guys that beat us out said they found 66 degree water.

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