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  • Root Admin

Took Mr. Miller out this morning for a half day trip. He wanted to learn the trophy water above Fall Creek from a boat fly fishing so we preceeded to Lookout to start. Water was off and very low. they haven't ran water in many days now (12-23) so the "leak" in Powersite Dam is allowing water to run out and the upper end of the lake is taking the brunt (another post).

We started with soft hackles and cracklebacks with alittle success... they weren't midging much at all so I didn't expect much. There was a great chop on the water though. We quickly switched to scuds (#16 thin skin gray) and started getting alot more strikes and hookups. I stayed on the shallow flats and had him cast to 3-4 foot water off the channel and there he caught some nice rainbows. We stayed with scuds till be almost got to the Narrows where there was more surface activity so I had him switch to a zebra on one rod and a soft hackle on the other. Caught a couple but they still weren't excited about that fly selection. Scuds were #1 this morning.

I took out another gentleman- a friend's dad who was in town from Iowa. I didn't want to work too hard so we just went above Short Creek, stayed on the shallow side and threw micro jigs, olive, under a float 5 feet deep and we caught a bunch of rainbows fom 2 -4 pm. They were hammering them- lots of fun.

Lots of rainbows caught by all today from the way it sounds. Alot of small trout- 6-9 inches long but we caught lots of 12-14 inchers too. Nothing bigger.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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