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River Hills Traveler Assistant Editor And Her Husband Injured In A Car Accident

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Many of us live fish and hunt in River Hills Traveler country and I was shocked when I read this story (which I'm sure Emery will forgive me for copying and pasting) Please keep Jo and her husband in your prayers and send them a card if you can.



Traveler assistant editor, husband injured in auto accident

River Hills Traveler assistant editor Jo Schaper and her husband, Eugene Vale, were seriously injured in an auto accident Monday and are hospitalized at St. Anthony’s Medical Center in St. Louis County.


Jo Schaper and Eugene Vale

Jo has a fractured vertebrae in her neck, and fractures in her left arm and knee. Eugene received a fracture to the socket of his left eye. Both underwent surgery Tuesday and are recovering in the intensive care unit at the hospital.

The accident occurred on Route NN, between Pacific and Cedar Hill. According to Jo, she topped a hill in her car and met a Ford pickup on the wrong side of the road. A passenger in Jo’s car escaped with minor injuries.

Jo has been employed by Traveler for seven years. Eugene works for the Division of State Parks. They make their home in Pacific.

Cards can be sent care of St. Anthony’s Medical Center, 10010 Kennerly Rd, St. Louis, MO 63128. Both are in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. Jo is in room 2726 and Eugene is in room 2722.

Matt Wier


The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance: Recreation, Education, and Conservation since 1992

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