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2 Beautiful Smallmouth And Something I Have Never Caught Before...

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Put in around 6 am, the river was a little up and moving a little. I was catching an occasional goggle-eye and pumpkinseed. It was like this for about 2 hours. I put away my go-to lures and started trying everything in my tackle box. I dont know if it was the lure, time of day, or the fact the E-Coli level 8 times the normal level, but......One of the big smallmouth I caught, I was in the kayak and she took me for a little ride. The other was caught in waist deep water. It was great. The gar, my first one ever, was caught on a crankbait. I knew the lure would not stay in its mouth for long so as soon as it came along side the kayak I grabbed it, thats when the lure fell out of it's mouth. I did have an experience I have never had. On one of my cast, the crankbait treble hook got caught on the line. As I reeled it in, it would not dive, but only sputtered on the surface. Haft way to the kayak a bass hit it and knocked it up in the air. I read if this happens, let it set and maybe the fish would come back. It did and I caught it.

2 big smallmouth bass, one gar, one walleye, one sucker, plus smallmouth, goggle eyes and pumpkinseeds. What a GREAT Day on the river....Took a few pictures and released them all.














Nice catches!

I know that giant log. I plan on floating that section tomorrow. I hope I can as good a time as it looks like you did.

Remember - If at first you DO succeed, try not to act surprised & quit while you're ahead.

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Yaknar, me and my buddy put in right behind you in the two camo colored Ascends we had similar luck.minus the gar. I was hoping to catch up to you and introduce myself because I always enjoy your posts. But after seeing you in the deep hole below the ramp we never seen you again, We had so much fun on Frtday we even grabbed another buddy and went back on Saturday, the fishing was decent but not as good as Friday. Thanks as always for sharing.


Hey fellow ozark anglers just got kayak and wondering where some good Putin spots are on James. Have heard you have to be careful about some access areas with break ins. Prefer to just paddle upstream and fish back down rather than shuttle. Have 2 day work week so plenty of time during the week on most monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Nice post as always.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Thanks for all the comments. Trapshot25, before I go to the river, I strip down my truck. The only thing I leave in my truck are the floor mats. When I park at the access I leave my glove box and center console open so hopefulIy people will see there is nothing in my truck to steal. I also put on a locking gas cap. I don't know many on this forum " paddle up and float back", but for myself, the best experience is using a shuttle. I use my wife, but call James River Outfitters or Hootentown. Or you could do what this guy does...




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