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I got to get out on the water for some "education" and "finding" the right right fly for a over cast almost full moon/with a little drizzle rain..

I hit the water about 9:30pm.. and stayed till just after 1am

started up by chute 1.. with a new little mink streamer (gray)..

in about 30 minutes time I had caught 18-20 fish.. missing about 12-15 strikes.. biggest was about 18in bow (very, very fat..may have went 2lbs)

well a small group of guys came down there so I decided to head down stream...

started about chute 2 and second cast had a very, very big hooked (gray mink), he broke water and had to go atleast8 maybe 10lbs.. it looked like a rainbow).. I had him on for about 20 seconds and it was gone, (I think I just had to much pressure on him and didnt have the hook set hard enough)..

well about 10 cast later nothing..

to the gaunlet..

started at the head with the mink and 10 cast no strikes..

changed over to a black pine squirrel..

well for the next 2 hours.. it was on and off..

I ended up catching somewhere around 30+ before calling it a night

I did catch a nice brown about 19in.. and another bow pushing 18..

on the way back to the car.. I had to cast into the rebar..

2 strikes.. and 1 fish..


On a finally note...

the beavers are back, I saw 2 last night...


Leonard it sounds like a good time , as soon as i get some waders im gonna have to do a night fishing trip with ya . At the NYD get togeter JJ talked about the gauntlet , it sounds like a blast i want some of that

Yikes!!! I Hate that warning horn


I saw something swimming across the rebar hole on NYD. It must have been one of those beavers. They don't seem too worried about all the people.




Will the beavers mess with people , i mean are they aggresive ? or are they afraid of us

Yikes!!! I Hate that warning horn


Naa Beavers are all about slapin there tails as a warning normally as they quickly swim away form ya, and unfortunately they never take any flies either just one pelt would probubly be a life time of super dubbing material...lol

Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Will the beavers mess with people , i mean are they aggresive ? or are they afraid of us

Only if you are the White Witch of Narnia...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


No, they aren't agressive, but the tail slap can be interesting, when it is close. They fight pretty hard when you hook one. I know I've foul hooked 2 of them while stripping at night, but when I put some pressure on them, the streamer has always pulled right out with some loose fur attached to it. I think Leonard told me he has hooked one too. The first time, I thought I had hooked "Nessie". I'd be more concerned about the Great Blue Herons at night. I've had more close calls with them, and was grazed by one flying by. It was quite a surprise to both of us. Fortunately I was in very shallow water, or I wouldn't have been able to re-gain my balance and not fall in the water. The heron did land with quite a splash.


well the beavers arent that bad...

but when you see something in the dark that has 4in front teeth and can knaw through a log bigger then you... they make you alittle nervous..

I just hate the idea that they can swim so close to you and you not even know they are there...

I have had 3 beaver swim within 3feet of me...1 of them soaked me.. big tail slap..


This is for Leonard. I'm Perchjerker up in Collinsville Il.I am fishing Taney about every other month. Night fishing sure sounds good but the only 2 times I was close to this was getting there early in the morning. Do you ever use these lite up strike indicators at night?I see some in use at dark in the morning.

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